Today while trying to snap so quick pictures of Berg-a-loo, I realized we have a lot in common, one thing being...we both HATE grass!
I don't like to sit on it, I hate the way it feels, and it gives me allergies...
More so it got me thinking on this Mother's Day how I much admire my own mother in so many way, I wish I could tell you of all of her strengths and accomplishments.
Her abilities may be limited but there is one thing I know I can count on and that she would go to any length to do anything for me and my family.
And that is one thing I hope I can have in common with her, especially as I am figuring this whole mothering thing out.
I am thankful for the women in my life who are constantly helping become a better daughter, friend, mother, wife and person!

I couldn't find of picture of me and my mother, she's a beauty.
But I did find all of these lovelies of me and Bergs!
Maybe I will make my mom take one with me tomorrow...

(Dad & Mom, my wedding 2005)
She is beautiful! Happy Mother's Day.
Tori, you are a beautiful mom! Bergs is one lucky little lady.
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