Apostrophy Designs: Fun
Showing posts with label Fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fun. Show all posts

Declaration of Romantic Intent

Forget E-cards this Valentine's Day and make a declaration of your feelings! What better way to tell that special person how you feel, than with a

The Bureau of Communications provides you an with an offical fill-in-the-blank note, so all you need is a few catchy words and voilĂ ... Valentine's Magic.


Credits: How About Orange

Traveler IQ Challenge...

I have been a slacker, but I can show you why...and I think you will agree that this can be addicting! Donnie and I can't seem to stop playing. Give it a go and let me know how you do...

Sounds Questionable To Me!

Down to the wire and still not sure who to vote for?
I found this cool quiz that will give you a better idea of who your woman/man is [in the presidential race]. However, I throw caution to the wind, you DON'T have to vote for who it tells you... it's just something to get those gears in your head turning!

Also, sad day. I am hence forth discontinuing the music on this blog and will shortly [5 months from now] create a music-only blog. I felt like the music, as good as it is, was taking momentum away from the actual posts + YouTube clips on my blog. It also slowed things down quite a bit, so I'll let you know when I get brave enough to tackle two blogs.

What Movie Is Your Christmas?

Your Christmas is Most Like: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Christmas is a big, boisterous event at your place.
And no matter what, something hilarious usually happens.

I Feel It In My Fingers... I Feel It In My Toes...

You only have 19 days to watch ALL of these...yes ALL of them, because they are sooo good! (plus, any other Christmas Classics)

Oops how could I forget...

I Really Wanna Know (who are you? who, who?)

I've been getting quite a few 'hits' on my blog lately and
I am just curious to see who's out there...I Really Wanna Know...
(who are you? who, who, who, who? )

You don't have to leave a comment but fill out the poll!! Thanks!

P.S. I know 3 posts in one day? It's Friday...

It Was Meant To Be...

I am a complete gamer! I love to enter all sorts of contests, my junk-mail folder can vowge for me on this one... but I found this cute holiday contest where you can enter to win these cute 12 days of Christmas Plates from Rosanna. You just go to this blog here for all of the information... and you can also check out all of the cool ideas the blog has for decorating and enter some of the other contests.

**Also, I have recently been inspired to divulge 12 Days of Confessions before Christmas in order to get on Santa's goodside, they will be good, just you wait.

Sharing My Secrets, Or Something Along Those Lines...

I am feeling quite Techno-Savy lately... or I must because it's all I've posted about. But here's a fun new thing that will change the picture next to your blog address/URL... Mine is picture to the left...DW=Donswife! But ok you go to this website http://www.myfavatar.com/ and sign-up and then post a picture that you would like to be your picture, then enter in your blog info and last post this little bit of code into your blog HTML...

**Just kidding it won't let me post the HTML code without doing something weird... so if you do the above and want the rest of the instructions, let me know and I will e-mail them to you... THANKS!

**So much for the Techno-Savyness in me!! Ha!

Google Reader

For anyone who doesn't know just how amazing Google really is, let me tell you. They have this newer thing out, or maybe I just never knew about it, called Google Reader. And if you are addicted to blogs like me it will make your life 10x easier!! You just go to http://www.reader.google.com/ and sign in with your Gmail account and then you can 'subscribe' to your favorite blogs, or if you are like me every blog you come in contact with. You just type in the URLs and then when the blogs are updated it will let you know next time you log in. Amazing, huh?
I love it!!

I've Been Boo'd

At the beginning of the week I got Boo'd by the neighborhood ghost, which means you have 2 days to make 2 treats and take them to 2 people. 4 days later...ha ha...I finally decide to make homemade oreos and take them around. The funny thing is I do not consider myself a cook at all, but if there is one thing that my family always counts on me to make it's homemade oreos. I even bought neon food dye(teal, lime green, purple and pink are all of the colors) and made orange frosting. Did you know that eight drops of lime green and 3 of pink makes a pretty decent orange? Crazy huh?
Here's the recipe for the 'Halloween' Oreos...

Halloween Oreos

1 pkg Devil's Food (don't buy off brand )
2 eggs
3/4 vegetable oil (applesauce works too)

1 can of Cream Cheese Frosting

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix top three together, roll into balls size of meatballs and place them on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake 7-8 min (they are ready when they flatten out and start to crack). Let cookies cool and then smash them together with frosting (you can add food coloring to make orange frosting). Makes about 2 dozen WHOLE cookies...

Now your ready to go Boo someone....


Last night I went to enrichment with my good friend Cambria. We had a lot of fun; my ward goes all out every month with a dinner and crafts! I signed us up for a scrapbooking craft because I am not a scrapbooker but yet find myself clinging to the hope that I could be good at it. I’m not!! It was really time consuming, and I finished at turtle speed. I was inking and gluing (modge podge) the night away. Here's the finished product, I couldn't figure where to put it or what to put along with it so here's my 3 arrangements.
**We also went a got ice cream with all of my girl friends, which was really fun and full of laughter, I only wish I would've taken a picture of us!
Here's what else I've been up to, I am mad at myself for not having the time to finish. I told Don the other night I just want to quit school so I can watch TV and sew. Then I finally got some sleep and reality kicked back in...anywho...You guessed it, it's a diaper bag. I have no experience with diaperbags personally but I think it turned out pretty cute. When finished I will pass it on to my sister Tami and let her try it out. If there is anyone who could give this bag a run for it's money it's Tami and her two active babies. We'll see if it can stand the test of time...in the mean time, doesn't it look great with our blue carpet?

USU Homecoming Extravaganza

Saturday was Homecoming at USU, and it started off with a laugh at the parade, courtesy of the A-Team.

Ashley is somewhere in there, I don't really know if I ever found her. She was well disguised! I should also mention they got first prize for this in the parade, well deserved!! They were by far the best float!

Here's a picture from the football game. However, this is decieving because it rained MOST of the time.

Here's a picture of us near the end of the game, sick huh? How come Don always looks so photogenic?

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