You remember the movie Zoolander? Well I watched it this past weekend [thanks to TBS] and it managed to turn my illness [more like I was dying] into something better. Now, here I am, almost to the weekend and half-way through my last semester of I the least bit interested in doing homework or working on projects?? Nope, no desire.
[insert Zoolander]
Brint: Or the way Hansel combs his hair?
Meekus: Or like, doesn't, it's like, ex-squeeze me, but have you ever heard of styling gel?
Brint: I'm sure Hansel's heard of styling gel, he's a male model.
Meekus: Uh, earth to Brint, I was making a joke.
Brint: Uh, Earth to Meekus, duh, okay I knew that!
Meekus: Uh earth to Brint, I'm not so sure you did cuz you were all 'well I'm sure he's heard of styling gel' like you DIDN'T know it was a joke!
Brint: I knew it was a joke Meekus, I just didn't get it right away!
Meekus: Earth to Brint...
Derek Zoolander: GUYS! Can we stop with the Earth tos!
As much as I would love to watch movies, Oprah and all of the other fantastic TV shows that are on, I seriously need an EARTH TO... get my act together now, or I'll be getting it together during the summer!
Anyones else need an EARTH TO?