A Jazz Fan, Am I...

I Want One...
Well, atleast these pictures make me think so, kind of! No really, I just thought I would post some of these cute photos and then brag about her... Her and I are destined to be buds because she inherited my middle name Jo, which comes from my mother's name Joyce.
And with that an instant connection was made, BFF's!
[Credits: HERE]
Praise To The Man!

1-Kerflop - This is my MOST favoritist blog right now! It all started when I read this post, where she revisited her yearbooks of past [she scribbled people out, I know we all have!] and shared stories of old, along with looking some of them up now!! Today there was another good one about online dating... For a good time, frequently visit here.
2-A Little Sussy - She is a photographer who takes fabulous pictures, and always posts fun, beautiful things! She teaches photography classes and is currently doing a Garden Swap [never participated before but it sounds kinda fun].
3- Meg's Diary [Meg Cabot] - I don't know how I found this blog, but this blog had me at the excitment of getting one of her books banned from a public school! She is the author of the Princess Diaries and other books. Her most recent post was on "Why Tim Riggins Didn't Ask You Out" [a very educational look at why your crush in High School never asked you out]. Now it just all makes sense!
A Little Personal...
FOR SALE, 2 cars:
VW Passat & Mazda 626 - fully loaded with jerky motions, bald tires,
continuous beeping, a tape deck, a trunk that doesn't shut, a missing seat belt
and a flat tire.
*If you are in need of an adventure or are dying to borrow your
parent's car for a week, these are the cars for you!
[Just don't leave home without your cell phone!]
I Feel Greeeeeat!
Hey you, guy at Lowe's...
Maybe you should think twice before you tell someone
Crown Molding isn't for amateurs...
*frame from [Little Dreamer Designs]
Isabella Hall
I Booyeah'd…
Atleast TWENTY in my head
THREE more quietly
And FOUR written on paper
All before TWO-THIRTY

Houston, I have a problem!
Tell me I am not alone...What's your word-problem?
Back in the Old Swing of Things...
**Also, today is a monumental day, of someone dear to my heart ...
Happy Birthday of Elvis!!
[Cake from Kakes by Karen, LLC]
Abosolutely Dreadful!
Now, I hope the rest of the wives out there will pay close attention to this and take note...the Dreaded Man Cold is out there, ready to strike at any moment...We NEED to be prepared!
Some Forgotten Things...
And then, my favorite part, Aaron put on Ashley's boots... I was going to put it with the ones above but it cut off the boots, it's the newest 'thing' for men.
One more thing... Last night, I was watching Biggest Loser:Couples Edition, and decided that this is going to be my new favorite TV show... I'm pulling for the Pink Team, they are a mother-daughter combo. Most couple combine weight over 500+ pounds... I can't wait to see the 'after' pictures!