I received an e-mail a couple weeks ago informing me that Pamela/Tamula** would start to be able to hear sounds outside of my belly.
I found this exciting, but nerve racking...
all of my swearing would have to stop immediately, plus I didn't know if it would be ok to jokingly name our baby anymore. What if she grew to like the fake name we have given her? Pamela, ugh!
While most people choose to talk and sing to their babies or play them classical music, we've decided to take a different approach...
NOTHING BUT ROCK N' ROLL CONCERTS and so we took Pamela along with us to the
Coldplay concert last Saturday.
Now before you call child services...
Yes we were
close at the concert,
close to the very back wall in the nose bleed section...
But I'm glad we weren't too close, because at one point during
Politik, Pamela was head banging so hard I thought she might burst out...but I think she's really into rock n' roll.
Think it's too much to ask that she'll come into this word singing
Lovers in Japan instead of crying? ...I'll have to keep working on that, but in the mean time anyone know where I find/buy/rent a confetti machine?
[**Neice Hailey's version of Pamela=Tamula]