Apostrophy Designs: Birthday Bash Recap

Birthday Bash Recap

Bergen's 2nd Birthday was a FULL week of celebrating. 

I often caught her saying "Happy Birthday to Me CHA-CHA-CHA!" Several times.

Due to family schedules we decided to have two Birthday parties...

So I made TWO cakes, both with the same idea of roses/flowers off THIS cake I saw over at I Am Baker.

We celebrated the weekend before Bergs birthday with Adam's family.

Uncle Rico's new girlfriend even made some delicious cupcakes too (worked out well for the occasion!)

 We ate pizza, killed a pinata, and then headed to the Aggie game.

Here's Bergen and her cousin Paige at the game, the shared a seat together and did the Scotsman.

It was really cute!

Until Bergs tried to hug Paige, which she didn't know what to think of.

The party with my family was planned the Saturday night before her birthday, but she spent most of the night/day with the flu. So thanks to the Holiday on Monday we just decided to celebrate that.

 The Barbie cake was fun to make, but the cake part didn't really turn out.

Has anyone ever made a successful Barbie cake? I followed the instruction and everything. Thank goodness for frosting.

 After the presents were opened Bergs enjoyed looking at them with her cousins.

One of her favorite gift is a princess outfit which we wear atleast once or so a day.

 Here she is reminding me that my baby is TWO.

And here she is blowing out her candle, which she insisted on doing 3 or so times.

I am thankful for everyone for the love and Birthday wishes for Bergs.

She is well loved, I can tell you that!


Unknown said...

Looks so fun! She is so cute:)

Delia said...

You did an amazing job on the frosting miss...and do you really have an Uncle Rico? Ha ha...we love Napoleon Dynamite around here.

Happy Birthday sweet adorable Bergen!

Lauren Andersen said...

hi tori.

aaron showed me your blog months ago after bragging about your craftyness. i think that's so neat what you do, very cool.

the barbie cake is so creative. i'm sure bergen just loved it. i had such a fun time meeting the A crew for bergen's birthday. and the pinata was a hit (ha, literally... i just caught that..)!

ps, i also love how (in the other post about bergen's doll family) bergen included her uncle rico (except that that doll has hair).

take care and see you soon!

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