-Bryton was 3 days with out a Ba-Ba [a word he immediately turned his head and glared to, when I asked how it was going] and was not very excited to see me,
P.S. It's practically May, what's a girl gotta do to get some warmth around here?
I love, love, love Neil Diamond...It started when I was in 7th grade and we sang and excellent version of On the Robert E Lee and watched a clip of the Jazz Singer where it is sung. A few years later the Jazz Singer became one of my moms 'things' [she can watch the same thing over and over on end] and that's when my feelings for Neil become REAL. Since then, I have never celebrated a July without his wonderful America song. I love you Neil, I hope you enjoy your time on American Idol this week, I know I will!
A clip of my Neil in action...
P.S. I also really enjoy the movie Saving Silverman, if you haven't seen it and you love Neil like I do, then rent it tonight.
[Credits HERE]
I can't believe it is the weekend already! Wahoo! Here's a taste of what happened last weekend...my niece Hadley jealous of newer niece Bella and wanting to sit in the swing + first soccer game for my nephew Davis.
Oh, ya.
Also, our newest adventure is a kitchen make-over, so far we've only done some of the cabinets... but Adam & his bro Aaaron took of the countertops last night.
[a week or so with out a sink, what are we thinking?]
[Credits HERE]
My cell phone rings and it's Donnie...
"Tori, you realize it's only 7 and you don't have to be to work until 8, right?"
"See ya in a minute."
I had accidentally set my clock an hour ahead, I wonder how long it would've taken me to figure this out on my own...
Ok, let me catch you up to speed... I don't know what it is about our cars lately but everytime I think about them I want to cry [I'm crying at everything lately, see post below] and that's why I haven't really mentioned them since the above mentioned post. For the last couple of months the Passat has been in and out of the shop, and we finally got it back last week. Did it cost a hefty penny? Yes. Does it work any better? No.
So I've been cursing the thing for a couple months now, and haven't even driven it since we got it back. Well, that was until Tuesday, when I drove it to school and guess what happened... I lost the key, yup lost, as in the VW gods are mad at you for cursing their beloved Passat and now ye shall be punished for it, because it was yer only key, and now it's gone. They made it snow that day too!
**This would be the second time I've lost the Passat key in this calendar year. Don has been pretty good about it and even made some jokes to the dealer about how he's know the drill, because I am a pro at losing things... [no comment]
So we had this plan worked up to leave work a little early tomorrow and drive to the dealership to pick up the new key we had ordered. That is until my little brother was walking to his car up on campus, and happened to be looking at a bush and noticed a key on the ground...he picked it up and walked a little further over to where my poor abandoned Passat was and it worked. What are the chances??
I don't care if the VW gods have decided to forgive me, I'm still selling the dang thing...
[Thanks Ty-Ty, you ROCK!]
Today it is my youngest brother Ty-Ty's Birthday! Anyone who knows my Fasha can testify to the truthfullness of this story...
My mom was pregnant with my little brother and had been trying to get my dad to have the taxes done, due to the coming of little Ty-Ty, but he hadn't done them. So what do you know? April 15th rolls around and my mom is in the hospital delivering my little brother. My dad had to go get the tax papers, bring them to the hospital for her to sign, mail them off and then come back for the birth of my little brother.
22 years later, and my mom still tells the story...
What's that saying, "if you don't have a little sister turn your brother into one"?
Totally kidding, but he was the kind of brother that let me put make-up on him, made dances up with me on the patio, and sang with me to Bryan Adam's Everything I Do on the bunk-beds. Other things I love about Ty-Ty...he is quite the kidster, a shirt-ninja in his own right, looks like Jimmy Neutron and reminds me of my Fasha...let's just hope he'll never forget to pay the taxes!
**Nails are doing ok, I have found out gum REALLY helps! Thanks for all the tips...
I have a horrible habit... biting my nails. I've always had this condition, but lately it is getting on my nerves. I find myself doing it all of the time...I think it's a terrible habit and I want out.
I trust everything* I read on the Internet and while I was scoping out solutions to my problem I came across some evidence that suggests medications such as anti-depressants and OCD medications actually minimize nail biting behavior. Well thanks wikipedia for solving my life problems, point me to the nearest pharmacy.
I don't bite my nails when I'm nervous or depressed, I do it without even thinking about it. I've tried sour stuff, painting my finger nails, and clipping them on a regular basis... Even my New Years Resolution of '04 was to quit and I made it 5 days, seriously 5 days? So I thought since some people report losing weight on their blogs, I will report on my nail biting adventures [hopefully there won't be many more, plus I wish I could say NO fingernails were harmed during the typing of this entry but that'd be lying].
I am going to start out by changing my hair elastic on my wrist and moving it between my two arms anytime my hand gets near my mouth...
Anyone else have this problem?
Don's youngest sister got married yesterday [Ashley to Josh], and it was a gorgeous day! Don't they make a cute couple? They even got married by an astronaut...cool, huh? [A REAL live one who's been to outerspace]
We took A LOT of pictures and these are just some of my favorites...
the artsy shots were taken by Don.
[My sister-in-law Katie has more pictures on her blog, too!]
These pictures speak for themselves, but we did start to wonder why we were the only ones rolling/throwing [see wind-up above] our Easter eggs down the hill, we weren't a week late or anything!
[I don't have any pictures of Don & I, we are lame]