
02 April 2008

Pretty Bird, Pretty Birdie

Is it just me or has this week gone by fast? Not only that but it has been really busy, I know this because I seem to fall asleep just seconds before my head hits the pillow. All-in-all I am thankful for the busy-ness and getting to see Don's sister, Amy and her family, fun, fun, love those kids, fun!!

I wanted to quickly post how my bag turned out for the Swaparoni Swap
[Dallas, stop reading now to remain surprised]. I thought this was really fun and I was really excited with how it turned out, so excited I almost sent it off without sewing the lining shut...oops! My swap partner and her husband recently took up bird watching, so I thought it would be fun to do a bird-esc bag
[I also sent her a cute notebook for her 'bird notes']
let me know what you think...


I think I will put my swapping skills to the test, on this Apron Swap.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I got the package today and your tote and notebook are awesome. I really appreciate it, and I hope you get your package from me soon. You were a great swap partner!

  2. WOW! You are very talented. I wish I was crafty. I can crochet but that's about it. You should teach classes :)

  3. What a great job! I saw the bag on Dallas' site. -- Michele

  4. Tori you are so crafty... get a business started. everything you do is so creative and cute. i love my diaperbag and would like another!! i will pay you..

  5. Tori you are so talented. I'm a friend of Traci and she has showen me some of the other bags you have made. How do I get one? I NEED NEED NEED one. I think your sis is right that you need to start a business you could make a killing.
    Nikki Petersen

  6. Wow Torri! I had no idea you were so crafty. That bag is ADORABLE! Yes, yes...start a little business. I'll buy one too!

  7. Super cute Tor! Love it! I too agree you should start a business. Such a talented girl!

    P.S. Thanks again for having such a fun sleepover for the boys. Tyson loved it, especially your cooking. You are such a good and fun aunt. We love you!

  8. that is amazing Tori. look at you!
