
16 April 2008

A Big Loser...

Everyone is gushing over American Idol today [which is ok, I am too], but what about the finale of The Biggest Loser? Holy cow, I ooooo-ed and awww-ed after watching some of the contestants weigh-in, at times I even was close to tears. Mostly because I was guiltlessly eating lunch while watching - wouldn't recommend it - but it really make me want to be motivated to exercise and eat healthier. Where would I start?

Back to the show, some of them lost 10's of pounds and the amazing thing is that even though some of them got kicked off early, they still all lost at least 50 lbs. Wowzas~ Here's a picture of my favorite team, the pink team-mom/daughter combo... Ali, the daughter was the overall, first female, Biggest Loser, she looks awesome.



  1. Thanks- I needed some kind of motivation for my diet. It is starting to feel old but I know it takes a lot of time....

  2. So, this weekend I flew to Boston on Jet Blue, and I watched the Biggest Loser on the way home. I was literally tearing on the way home. Which was amazing, since I was on the plane.

    Anyways, great show. Seriously.

  3. wow! that's amazing. what inspiration!

  4. I too was so happy Ali won and I think she looks amazing. This is the only season that I have watched and I loved it. Very inspiring show. Wish I could go on there after having Mr. Crew!

  5. I agree! I absolutely loved the finale. This is the first season I've watched from start to finish, and I loooved it!

  6. Wasn't it amazing!! I didn't get to watch the finalle but watched the week before.

  7. ok, I know I only blogged about American Idol...but I too am a biggest loser fan...I am always amazed at the amount of weight the contestants lose!!!! The girl who won looked amazing!
    I too could lose a few pounds around my middle, and what a better motivator than the biggest loser!!! ;)
    Your blogs are awesome! Mckall and I enjoy reading them! keep up the great work!

  8. Didn't Ali look amazing! I was cheering for her the whole season too. That show almost makes me want to start working out!
