
11 April 2008

Glorious Friday...

So thankful its Friday. Weekends are my favorite. Another Favorite is The Office. Last night, Don tried to play coy, like he wasn't into watching it anymore. But he was upset to find me curled up on our bed watching it without him. Hmmmm.

Anyone else want to pretend that this show is not all that great, when truthfully they would be upset by missing it? Well here's a clip from last nights episode that you probably missed either way [it got cut from the episode, but is ridiculously funny].


  1. ahhhh. hilarious. we love the office. last night was GREAT... we are glad to have it back. WELCOME BACK TV .... FINALLY!!!

  2. I need to get a hold of Hunter's album.

  3. HI!
    I don't watch the office but anyway...i have been meaning to comment on your blog forever!! It is so cute! how did you get like the scrap-bookey look? I love it and can't figure out how to do it!?!?

