
30 October 2008

Grizzly Adams Did Have A Beard

Happy Halloween!!

Too bad we aren't as fun as we used to be...

We aren't even dressing up this year!!

Can't wait to stroll the blogs and see what everyone else ended up being...Photobucket

29 October 2008

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Can I just tell you how much I love giveaways? They are just as much fun to host them as they are to enter, well ok only if you win on that last part,



If you don't read Hostess With the Mostess, I recommend you do...I'm party-retarded but if I did throw parties I would take all of my ideas from them! They also have another fun giveaway going on right now as well as do some fun Holiday ones.

Just so you don't hate me for winning, here are some things I have entered and NOT won:

-Filled out an application for CBS's Big Brother [2005]
-Entered our Bathroom in TLC's worst Bath contest [2007]
-Entered Martha Stewart's Home Giveaway, everyday for 2 weeks [2006]

Things I'd like to pursue in the NEAR future:

-Don & I on the Amazing Race: How addicting is this show?
-Dancing with the Stars: I need to get famous or learn to dance.
-Make a video in hopes of being on Deal or No Deal.

How sad is it that everything pretty much INVOLVES reality TV, I also wouldn't mind an appearance or two on the Hills.

[Since I'm revealing so much of myself, like it's not my blog, I hope this counts towards the two tags I've received lately]

27 October 2008

Confession #4: Did Ya Practice?

I feel that I should force every baby within reach into Don's arms,
so he can practice...

[and then document it for posterity's sake]

I'm joking, he picked him up willingly.
With those cheeks could you resist?

Don's going to be a great Dad!

23 October 2008

My side of the family got pictures taken awhile back, and now that everyone has been photoshopped approved how they look, I thought I would post it so you can see just how crazy we all really are.


p align="left">Because we have grown up, grown in our waists [me], and grown in number...I thought it'd be appropriate to give you a run down of who's who in the Denning Clan.


21 October 2008

Christmas in October


You heard me.


So I attended the JJ Cole Sale last week and that's what it felt like...Christmas in October. It felt so wrong, even as I continued to grab thing after thing [most of which was just irrational shopping at it's finest in the color PINK], and then it hit me, "Why not?"

Being the Marketing Graduate that I am, we always talked about how companies are pushing the Christmas threshold each year, eventually replacing Halloween...ah, now I doubt that...but still, "Why not?"

I can't come up with any good reasons as to why you shouldn't start shopping early, so I just though I'd let you know about two early Christmas Spectaculars that I am apart of [I hope there's more!]

First, I'm a Mom-Prenuer over at the Tip Junkie and they are starting early by having a Shop-A-Thon!! Shop as early or as close to Christmas as you need with lots of help from crafty people!

Second, if you are in Northern Utah, there is a Sweet Things Boutique going on this Saturday:

20 October 2008

An Ode To Fasha


[I mean seriously who shows up with a water heater and other things, without even a mention...that's our Steve-o!]

16 October 2008

Take That...

Take that string/ring test...
Take that chinese gender chart...
Take that old wives tales...

[despite what they all pointed to...]

...and we couldn't be happier!

I want to redeem myself from my last post...those kids were I thought I would give you a REAL idea of what our baby girl could look like...


I bet you didn't believe me...
but a few years ago, Elvis and I really DID have a thing going on...


P.S. I've had a few people ask me and due to my latest confession, I will just tell you I'm 20 weeks [half-way there!] and my revised due date
is March 7th, 2009.

08 October 2008

Pam or Pete-y?

We find out in one week what the gender of our baby is.

Are we going to have a Pretty Pam or a Stinky Pete?


I don't care either way as long as the baby turns out cuter than pictured, and as long as Don ends up being the Dad...[there are 3 other possibilities Neil, Donny, Elvis] Terrible, I know.


Tell me what you think we are having and then I'll do a drawing...the winner will receive Baby Andersen's very FIRST poopy diaper
[plus I'll really send out some candy]...

Also tell me which baby isn't the most UGLY, is there one?, along with some great name ideas!!

[Found at the Pink Potpourri]

06 October 2008

Finding Joy in the Journey

"Sometimes we let our thoughts of tomorrow take up too much of today. Daydreaming of the past and longing for the future may provide comfort but will not take the place of living in the present. This is the day of our opportunity, and we must grasp it.

Professor Harold Hill, in Meredith Willson’s The Music Man, cautioned, “You pile up enough tomorrows, and you’ll find you’ve collected a lot of empty yesterdays.”

There is no tomorrow to remember if we don’t do something today, and to live most fully today, we must do that which is of greatest importance. Let us not procrastinate those things which matter most."

I just loved General Conference, didn't you??

Also isn't it great that we are getting a new temple in Calgary, CA
[and 4 other wonderful locations]?? Maybe if Don can get all of his issues with Canada straightened out we could go up there for the dedication!!