
13 October 2008

I Have My Reasons...


Also I'm really considering...

but getting Don to agree is another story!


  1. Whether you're having a girl or a boy, they're sure going to be stylin'! Oh man.. little boy stuff is so cute... Love the diaper bag. I hope you have one of each!

  2. there it is. whew... I was getting worried.

    I hope there is a HE and a SHE in there because this stuff is ALL toooooo adorable.

    and yes the vinyl wall decals are so cute -- go for it. don will love it. plus, don needs to care LESS about the decorating. geeeez!

  3. yep, you are the worlds most creative mom and whatever sex the fetus decides to be it will be pretty lucky!

  4. All of these are so cute! Maybe you should consider twins. :)

  5. You have such great taste! As soon as you decorate your nursery you'll have to post pictures for sure.

    How far along are you? I wouldn't know since you are missing the pregnancy widget. ;)

  6. I love, love, love that girl diaper bag!!!

    It's all so cute...and I agree with Amy-don needs to care LESS about the decorating.

  7. Oh yeah. They're totally healthy in my books!

  8. Tori, with your cute style it's no wonder Avilyn's cutest outfit is from you (she can't wait to fit in it!)
    I didn't realize diaper bags had gender...I just tried to pick one Porter wouldn't mind carrying around either. Now I realize it didn't even matter because if I'm alone I have the babes & bag...If I'm with Port he has the babes and I've still got the bag :-)

  9. I want to know what that baby is...NOW!!! It's funny that people are talking about twins though because it could really happen. HAHA! You would be great!

  10. Your baby will be so spoiled!favoriteaunt Tor:)Im so excited that your having a baby. I know whether you have a boy or a girl it will definatly be CUTE! You and Adam will make great parents.

  11. I can hardly stand it.. I wish I could be there. you better call me right after... I am so excited to see if I you are having a donathan or a donella...

  12. Tori - I'm so thrilled that you are having a baby! Congratulations - how far along are you?
