
21 October 2008

Christmas in October


You heard me.


So I attended the JJ Cole Sale last week and that's what it felt like...Christmas in October. It felt so wrong, even as I continued to grab thing after thing [most of which was just irrational shopping at it's finest in the color PINK], and then it hit me, "Why not?"

Being the Marketing Graduate that I am, we always talked about how companies are pushing the Christmas threshold each year, eventually replacing Halloween...ah, now I doubt that...but still, "Why not?"

I can't come up with any good reasons as to why you shouldn't start shopping early, so I just though I'd let you know about two early Christmas Spectaculars that I am apart of [I hope there's more!]

First, I'm a Mom-Prenuer over at the Tip Junkie and they are starting early by having a Shop-A-Thon!! Shop as early or as close to Christmas as you need with lots of help from crafty people!

Second, if you are in Northern Utah, there is a Sweet Things Boutique going on this Saturday:


  1. holy cows tor! I had no idea that the jj cole sale was THAT crazy! how funny....

    I want to go to the boutique on Sat... are you selling some of your stuff there?

  2. I am so excited you are having a girl. I like boys too, but after having 3 girls and no boys - I have to say I get more excited when I hear a girl is on the way. You will have so much fun!

  3. I heard about that sale and I totally did not expect it to be like that! I hope you got some good stuff! :)

  4. Were we supposed to read "Whatsthatyousay" like the cheer? Cause I did.

  5. I went to this last year. It was at a warehouse by the Crumb Brothers bakery. It was so crazy and packed with shoulder to shoulder people that I gave up and just left empty handed. CRAZINESS!
