
31 July 2009

Sugar n Spice Creations

I would have to say that patterns hold some sort of nostalgia for me, I can't really explain it but my mom was quite the seamstress while I was growing up with she shelves and shelves of patterns. A few weeks ago I went through a couple of boxes at her house to see if there was anything I'd be interested in making for Bergmeister. A lot of them were outdated but it was fun to place each pattern with the era they were from, and I still came home with quite a few.

While browsing the Interweb the other day I came across this cute little shop that sells vintage patterns, Sugar n Spice Creations. Even though some of the styles and I do not agree I love the look of the patterns and would probably buy a few just so I could have them around to look at. I feel like they are practically art all in themselves!

And besides who am I kidding, I could always use a nightgown (3948), especially if it turned out as great as the cover picture. Who's with me on bringing nightgowns back?

30 July 2009

Taking the Plunge

After four years of marriage and a whole house of remodeling, we finally decided to fork out the money and get us a new bedroom set.

We are sitting pretty, let me tell you, there is only one way to go after Tupperware Night Stands and that is up!

[cute bedspread is from Wal-mart, lamps from IKEA, bed-set Two Brothers Furniture]
Much better experience than THIS.

28 July 2009

L-O-V-E is in the Air...

My baby brother, the Ninja, is getting married in a WEEK and a HALF! Remember the awesome proposal?

They just recently got some awesome bridals done by Moments by Kellee and are part of a go and see the rest of their awesome pictures and leave them a comment so they will not only be newly-weds they can be WINNERS!

27 July 2009

Mascara Has Never Been So Fun [Revised, with Links!]

When I started to write this I had intended on finishing it but then I hit post instead of save but had to rush off to work, so anywho let me try this again...

My sister's all bought this eye lash growth stuff called Lash Renewal eyelash growth stuff. My sister is a hair dresser and so she got a really good deal on it, however I was sure if it was for me. So I let them try it and after about 7 weeks, wow!

I know on tv they say it can turn your eyes darker brown, my eyes are green and haven't changed at all. The only thing I noticed is when I started using it I put it on at night and it made my eyes really dry. So now I put in on after I get out of the shower in the morning and it works just great.

I have looked at can't find the exact same stuff I use online (weird, I know) but this stuff is about the same price and sounds about the same as the stuff I have used. My sisters are going on about 4 months with the same tube, so it lasts awhile.

I know the after picture I have make-up on but I promise there is a difference and putting on mascara has never been so much fun!

P.S. Sorry about the unwaxed eyebrows, I'm a new mom cut me some slack.

24 July 2009

Pioneer Day Finds

This post was inspired by Design Mom, upon reading her post I decided to find me the perfect necklace for Pioneer Day (Utah's state holiday) which just happens to be today!

If you would like to know more about the Pioneer's read here or here.

22 July 2009

Dear Bear Lakie,

[Remember this post last year, funny to think I knew I was pregnant but we hadn't told anyone one even thought it was weird I didn't waterski!]

20 July 2009

Five Months

And today she is five months old!

Who knew five months would come with so many bloopers.

Bergen was quite a riot when I was taking these pictures.

She spent more time on her belly than on her back.

Once she's on her tummy she can't get back over without a little help.

The past couple of days she has developed this blood curdling squeal.

It's cute and hurtful at the same time...

Have I told you lately that I love her?

Because I do, very much.

See OTHER pictures HERE.

17 July 2009


I saw this shop, Beauchamping, on esty-love the other day.

I love the simplicity of the graphics.

I also love how the tips of toes are showing in each of these pictures.

You should also check out esty-love, she posts lots of cute finds from etsy.

15 July 2009

My Life This Week

Whew! We have been busy, and yet I feel like we aren't getting anywhere fast.

Ever feel like that?

My kitchen table is chuck full of projects I am working on, some new, some old, most however, are not close to being done.

Don has been working on a new mantle, it's pretty impressive.

He built it from looking at a picture online, I'll post before and after's when it is done.

Which reminds me, I still need to post pictures of our kitchen remodel.

I will add it to the list of things to do...

Until then I hope you are enjoying summer, because we are.

12 July 2009

A Challenge Has Been Issued

Uncle Rico (Aaron) has issued a challenge to all other uncles to prove that they are a better uncle than he is.

[He is also single and looking for a hot babe.]

10 July 2009

Jewelry Designs By Bina

I have always wanted a locket.

I don't know what it is but the thought of one makes me giddy on the inside.

And now that I have two special people in my life, I think it would be a perfect time to invest in one.

I have been looking around the Internet and I really love this one by Bina.

I also enjoy this necklace as well, it has a key-to-my-heart feeling...

Oh the possibilities...Happy Friday!

08 July 2009

Time For A Solution

To aid in family closes and to put those eye-rollers out there to rest...

We now read blogs as a family, meaning Bergen sits on my lap while I do my blog thang.

P.S. Notice the fuzzy hair, a product of intensely fun floor time with baby.

P.S.S. This is what FAMILY BLOGGING really looks like...

07 July 2009

Mother of the Year, Award Me Please

I was on the Internet catching up on blogs and looked down to find this.

Bergen had rolled over for the first time and I missed it.

I think when I retell this story to posterity I may say I was on the Internet trying to solve world hunger or composing a symphony.

If you would like to send me an award for excellence in mothering, go ahead and do so now.

Thank you, thank you.

05 July 2009

On The 4th of July Weekend...

I don't know about you, but I need another weekend to recover from this one.

None the less, we had a good Fourth, how about you?

01 July 2009

A & G

So many pictures...

Just a few words...

Thanks Ash!

[not sure if she has her site up yet, but check her photography blog out here]