
31 July 2009

Sugar n Spice Creations

I would have to say that patterns hold some sort of nostalgia for me, I can't really explain it but my mom was quite the seamstress while I was growing up with she shelves and shelves of patterns. A few weeks ago I went through a couple of boxes at her house to see if there was anything I'd be interested in making for Bergmeister. A lot of them were outdated but it was fun to place each pattern with the era they were from, and I still came home with quite a few.

While browsing the Interweb the other day I came across this cute little shop that sells vintage patterns, Sugar n Spice Creations. Even though some of the styles and I do not agree I love the look of the patterns and would probably buy a few just so I could have them around to look at. I feel like they are practically art all in themselves!

And besides who am I kidding, I could always use a nightgown (3948), especially if it turned out as great as the cover picture. Who's with me on bringing nightgowns back?


  1. I love the first one (3628)! Good luck with your patterns.

  2. I'm with you on nightgowns. My mother-in-law wears them, and I think I could get used to it.

  3. Ill make a night gown with ya. looks beautiful.

  4. All I wear to bed is nightgowns!! Hehe...
