
30 July 2009

Taking the Plunge

After four years of marriage and a whole house of remodeling, we finally decided to fork out the money and get us a new bedroom set.

We are sitting pretty, let me tell you, there is only one way to go after Tupperware Night Stands and that is up!

[cute bedspread is from Wal-mart, lamps from IKEA, bed-set Two Brothers Furniture]
Much better experience than THIS.


  1. It looks beautiful! That must be one of those things you hold out on...we have no bedroom furniture (except a bed), not even tuperware night stands! Good for you!

  2. So nice- Ryan and I didn't buy a new bedroom set until we had been married for 8 years- we slept on a hand me down from the 70's= so I feel your excitement!

  3. Yes, we are in North Logan.. I would love to see you. Give me a call anytime, and I am sure your best friend would love to see you too!!
