
30 January 2009

Oh, Happy Day!

I'm off to the doctor to find out the current status of Pamela and then I'm off to go shopping with the girls! 

Have a good weekend and enjoy the Superbowl? I know I'll enjoy the food atleast!!

Who's playing again??

[flower decals found HERE]

29 January 2009

Imagine All the People - CPSIA Day

Can you imagine a world without Etsy? Or any of the little shops of homemade things?

I think Congress has a good intention but went about passing things in a harsh way, this will end up killing small children businesses all together.

Confused as to what I'm talking about, read more HERE.

Want to help, Go HERE.

[GASP, What will happen to

27 January 2009

That's All

I'm starting to wonder how much bigger I could possibly get.

But I've really enjoyed being pregnant and that's all.

[Thanks to Brinlee for dressing Pamela up, they'll be great friends]

26 January 2009

"Dunk It For My Unborn Child..."

...Is what Don yelled right after half-time when LeBron was ALL ALONE on the bench.

It is also what my shirt SHOULD'VE said.

I TOTALLY chickened out. Honestly, if I could do it all over again, I'm sure I would chicken out again and again and AGAIN.

Due to our proximity to the Cavs bench (there was only one row of chairs between us & them) I kept picturing things to play out like this:

I would've worn so-said shirt and eye contact would have been established at some point. Then LeBron would have given me a look like YOU ARE WEIRD and then I would've been like I AM THE WEIRDEST and this isn't really your BABY, but it was just kinda funny late at night when I had the sleepy sillies [which happens every night and even earlier on nights when I talk on the phone with my Sister Sals and also causes Don to go into a fit of constant eye-rolling]. That's another story all on its own.

Anywho, LeBron wouldn't have understood me because he was in the middle of a GAME and then there was no way I could entirely explain myself and things would just continue to be awkward between us throughout the rest of the game.

So it's probably for the best.

Either way, the game was AWESOME! The Jazz may have lost, but I found myself cheering for both teams, it was a WIN-WIN situation.

What can I say? I'm a FAIR-WEATHER fan.

P.S. Kyle Korver is my soulmate.

If I would've worn a shirt that said KYLE'S BABY...eye contact would've been established and he would just laugh because HE GETS ME.

We're both cool like that.

...that's what I should've done.

[All photos were taken with my camera, neat huh?
Also, BIG THANKS to Nan & Scott for such a GREAT time!]

23 January 2009

It Just So Happens...

...That we have tickets to the Jazz game tomorrow night.

...That we will be sitting in close proximity to Mr. LeBron James himself.

...That you may catch me on TV wearing this T-shirt...


...That some people think this would be white trash.

What do you think??

22 January 2009

Moove, Get Out The Way...

Just like every parent before, we've been working on putting together our nursery for Pamela. I feel like we've been at this awhile and I am sure we will still be putting things together even days before she arrives.

My fluttery brain even keeps me from stringy sentences together & doing cute things to the pictures I take...I may turn into one of those bloggers that just posts pictures for awhile, we'll see.

Anyways in order to make way for more of Pammy's stuff I am trying to get rid of all of the purses I have know what the means FREE SHIPPING + REDUCED PRICES!! Tell your friends, head over to my shop and help me make way for this baby of ours!

21 January 2009

It's My Party...

[technically it was Pam's]

but that didn't stop me from having such a good time when some of my friends threw me a baby shower a couple of weeks ago...

I had a blast and Pam was surely spoiled! Thanks to everyone who participated from near and far [Plus many more GREAT friends and family who weren't able to make it!]

19 January 2009

X Marks The Spot

We have almost made it Pam...

6 weeks & counting...

[dedicated to STACY]

18 January 2009

Preparing For Pam

I have not really felt like blogging lately mostly because time is just flying by a little too quick for my liking...and things are becoming a little bit scary here at the homestead.

Scary because we have starting taking our "Birthing" Classes, which I should add to my list of things I do when I can't sleep [or has become the number one reason for NOT sleeping]...

I signed up for this class with false expectations, I really felt like they would tell me more about what to do with Pam once she was born and not so much every detail that birthing entails. 

[I use the term birthing because I really, really like the way it sounds, less scary than LABOR]

Not in anyway do I mean to play a whoa-is-me card, because I have been feeling really good throughout this whole pregnancy, but as week 34 approaches my nerves can't help but catch up with me. 

I've been trying a few things to help with the nerves...

But let's face it, practicing my gang signs does NOTHING for NO ONE! 

Anyone got any better ideas?

14 January 2009

Oh What Do You Do With Your Sleepy Time?

-Invest in a body pillow, whom you loving refer to as "johnny"

-Watch late, late night TV shows or info merchials


-Catch up on everyone's blogs

-Play Tetris, Facebook style


-Read "What to Expect While You're Expecting"


-Look up baby names on the Interweb

And if all else fails, when you can't sleep...

-Completely take your Blog apart and put it together again...

Whatcha think?

Uno that I am done, what will I do next? Any suggestions?

12 January 2009

#1 Baby Pamela

is by far the best thing that happened in 2008 [even though she technically won't arrive until March 2009]...

I was at Girls' Camp when I first thought I could be pregnant.

It was the day of the BIG hike, Don came up to be a priesthood holder, and we had hiked 2 more miles than we were supposed to. On the way back he actually asked me if we were pregnant yet? [Men!] We laughed but as I counted I realized I really could've been. Don was at work the day I arrived home and so I took 1 pregnancy test without him and then went and bought two know, to make sure.

On occasion, I am known to bring home a box of Crunch N' Munch [one of Don's favorite treats] so when he came home from work and I told him I had a present for him, he asked for Crunch N' Munch but got a lot more [I had put the tests in plastic and then in a cute gift bag].

Since then being pregnant has been a lot of fun and though I am nervous to have a baby I am sure excited to meet our little girl**.

**Some might be disappointed but we aren't really naming her Pamela...we actually don't have a name, but I'm still taking suggestions.

P.S. I'm 33 Weeks pregnant, time flies, doesn't it?

09 January 2009

#2 Boo Yeah


[Sorry for lack of words, I don't mean to complain but I have not been sleeping very good and feel like I can't quite connect my brain to the rest of my body, I will post my number 1 event of 2008 tomorrow...ha ha!]

08 January 2009

#3 Apostrophy + Afghananza

I owe my love of creating to my mother and so as I started an Etsy shop past this year I was thankful to have her input throughout the process. In the first 6 months of having my shop I sold over 50 bags and did multiple giveaways, it has been such a fun adventure for 2008!

However, with the new baby and all sorts of other things going on I don't know quite what will happen to my little shop...I haven't decided yet, but change is a coming, of that I am sure...


I think I may have mentioned this before, about the Topsy Turvy Dolls, and how my mom made a bunch a sold them back in the 80's. Anyways I was helping my mom clean out her cupboards the other day I came across a picture of her dolls...and thought it would be fun to compare hers to the few I made this year.


Aren't they such cute and fun dolls? My mom could whip them out like no other, I however get a little tied up with the yarn hair [once I can figure out a faster way to do it maybe I'll add some to my shop, who knows?]

But my mom always did have a way with yarn...

Speaking of, I got an e-mail and a comment asking me about the blanket pictured in my last post. My mom made each of us, her seven children, these amazing Afghans for Christmas. I have to say it's one of my favorite Christmas presents...she started making them in October and barely finished right before Christmas. Like I said before, one talented Mama!


06 January 2009

#4 Pimp My House

We've been in our house for 2 1/2 years and I've gone from showering in plastic to sleeping on just a mattress...

[2008 was the year that most of the renovating is complete...I hope?]

...and it's been worth it!

[I'll post more pictures of the renovation later...we're still waiting on a stove.]

05 January 2009

#5 A Jockey Ol' Time

I remember being TWELVE...

Didn't I just scream GROWN UP?

Day Bed w/ Sunflower Decor---> PICKED THE FABRIC OUT MYSELF

So I shouldn't have been surprised when this year for Christmas when my nephew decided it was time for him to leave the CHILD world of white elephants and enter into ADULTHOOD.

Doesn't he just SCREAM GROWN UP? I think so too, which is why I'm glad he ended up with such a great gift from the ADULT white elephant pile...

I have never laughed so hard...