
23 January 2009

It Just So Happens...

...That we have tickets to the Jazz game tomorrow night.

...That we will be sitting in close proximity to Mr. LeBron James himself.

...That you may catch me on TV wearing this T-shirt...


...That some people think this would be white trash.

What do you think??


  1. Tori you kill me do you think you could update my blog(pimp my blog) maybe something springy!!! I can't wait until Pamela I call first babysitting:)Tami

  2. I just may have to watch the Jazz game and look for you. That would be too funny!

  3. I saw you guys on TV last night- so you really are famous:)

  4. that's hilarious! wish i had seen the game!

  5. Do it. And rock it.

    It will sort of be like the time I went to a Jazz/Pacers game and involuntarily yelled "I love you Reggie" and "Will you marry me #33?" ... the ENTIRE game. I'm that cool.

  6. I meant #31. I need some breakfast.

  7. i am a friend of traci's and was in adam's primary class when we were kids. she told me about your blog and i think you are hilarious. i hope you wore this shirt to the game because it would have been awesome! good luck with the last weeks of your pregnancy!
    janelle :p
