
12 January 2009

#1 Baby Pamela

is by far the best thing that happened in 2008 [even though she technically won't arrive until March 2009]...

I was at Girls' Camp when I first thought I could be pregnant.

It was the day of the BIG hike, Don came up to be a priesthood holder, and we had hiked 2 more miles than we were supposed to. On the way back he actually asked me if we were pregnant yet? [Men!] We laughed but as I counted I realized I really could've been. Don was at work the day I arrived home and so I took 1 pregnancy test without him and then went and bought two know, to make sure.

On occasion, I am known to bring home a box of Crunch N' Munch [one of Don's favorite treats] so when he came home from work and I told him I had a present for him, he asked for Crunch N' Munch but got a lot more [I had put the tests in plastic and then in a cute gift bag].

Since then being pregnant has been a lot of fun and though I am nervous to have a baby I am sure excited to meet our little girl**.

**Some might be disappointed but we aren't really naming her Pamela...we actually don't have a name, but I'm still taking suggestions.

P.S. I'm 33 Weeks pregnant, time flies, doesn't it?


  1. I vote 100% hands down for Pamela. We've had it this long. Pamela Andersen does sound nice.

  2. I've never heard this side of the story before. That's cool!

    Hooray for baby Pam!

    I don't think you should go with Pamela... think of all the horrible references. Awkward...

  3. I can't believe how soon that little girl is going to be here! I would tell you my favorite names but what if i need them some day??

  4. what?! You're NOT naming her Pam?! ;) haha.

    And I LOVE your new blog layout. It's very cute but clean. I really want to redo mine, but I'm too lazy. One of these days I'll get around to it.

  5. I think Pamela will be a good excuse to get out of girls camp 2009.

  6. You will love being a mom. It's the best thing in the world, I can't even begin to explain. It is scary at first, you really have no idea what your doing but somehow you figure it out. Also I highly recommend breastfeeding, if you can. It is the nost precious thing ever. IT is the greatest bonding time you will ever have with your baby. I hope everything is still going well with your pregnancy and Labor really isn't that bad. Ican't even remember now what the contractions felt like I just remember how I reacted. LOL! -bri

  7. No name yet?! You should talk to my sister Lindsay about baby names... she has been asking me what MY favorite names are for years... And I'm really not much help in that department. :)

  8. Very cute story. Isn't it funny that you can't believe just one pregnancy just have to take multiple tests to be sure, and even then, you really don't truly believe it until you hear that first heartbeat. I really like your new blog layout, it is simple and unique. Great job.
