
31 December 2009

This Year [2009] in Pictures

JAN -- Meeting LeBron at the Jazz game and Don telling him to dunk it for our unborn child

FEB -- Birthed a child and became a little family

MAR -- Still trying to figure out all of this parenting stuff

APR -- Easter and being reunited with my sewing machine after a few months

MAY -- Got our sewer fixed [among other things this year!]

JUNE -- I grew really long lushes eyelashes

JULY -- Many fun Holidays, Fireworks, Parades & Trips GALORE!

AUG -- Ninja got married and we burned fire on the dance floor.

SEPT -- First airplane ride to California to meet mickey & friends

OCT -- Halloween fun all month long

NOV -- Mom & Dad's first birthday's as parents

DEC -- Christmas and a new friend, our little pink pony

See ya in 2010, crazy to think 10 years ago everyone was worried about y2k...

I'll be back next week with Christmas pictures and some resolutions?!

28 December 2009

Ten Months

Ten months happened right before Christmas so I am a little slow at getting these up.

I'm really glad I found the idea to do this on a blog so that I can go back and see her different stages.

Some of Bergs favorites are da-da-da-da-da, getting mom's toes, she wears ponytails, loves to eat crackers (or any food in general), walking in her walker and riding her pony (to come in another post all on it's own).

Love her lots and I'm sad that Christmas is over, because the next BIG milestone will be her 1st birthday...WOWZA!

Watch my baby grow HERE.

22 December 2009

Another Year Has Gone By

Last year...
I was posing shamelessly in front of my computer, only imagining what it would be like to have an actual Christmas card.

This year...
I have an actual Christmas card that shows my face, and I'm a few pounds lighter!

Isn't it funny what difference a year makes?
Sorry if we missed you with a Christmas card this year, I had quite the experience getting them year I'm starting in August...anyone with me?

20 December 2009

All I Want for Christmas

p.s. if that doesn't work I guess we'll settle for a pony.

15 December 2009

Living in a Material World with a Material Wall

It just so happens that we have a wall in our house that we have no idea how to decorate.

Until, awhile back when a lady in my ward showed me this cute idea for wall decorations.

And yes, it's taken me a long time to follow through with it, but I think I'm really going to like it.

It's a three-step process, really.

STEP ONE - - - WOODEN FRAMES (may require handy man to assemble, regular picture frames would probably work too, if you wanted different sizes. Mine are about 18 inches x 18 inches and we did four even though three are pictured.)

STEP TWO - - - FABRIC ONTO FRAMES (this was my favorite step because I got to use the wood stapler, hammer and fabric, great combination/stress reliever. I worked my way from opposite sides while applying fabric.)

STEP THREE - - - APPLY THE ABOVE TO THE WALL (This definitely requires a handy man with a leveler, who can do step three all by himself without even being asked while you run errands for Christmas. I don't know but this step might be tricky!)

In the END it's worth it and the wall looks good**.

**problems i found:

  • some fabrics are kind of see through but don't look as see through on the wall
  • don't do a striped fabric it was a pain and I might end up changing it
****sorry for weirdness in pictures my camera is acting funny

13 December 2009

Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful...

Bergen had her first encounter with snow last night...

She kept trying to grab the snowflakes.

Finally she leaned away from Don, and looked up to the sky to see where this new thing was coming from.

It has been snowing like crazy lately and I've become a grouch about the weather.

You know the feeling, you come right home from work and hunker down for the night, not wanting to go anywhere?

But I will tell you what...walking with those two through the snowy night, it was enough to make my heart melt!

[p.s. it's still snowing today, did someone write to Santa and ask for all of this snow?]

11 December 2009

We're Ready For You, Santa

Don finished our mantle project a week or so ago.

I don't know if you remember how handy he is...but we both found a picture of a mantle online that we liked and he went to work.

Here's the before + the in betweens...

(This isn't the REAL before picture because the cover used to be gold, wish I had a picture of that!)

And then the finished product! We are still looking for a fireplace cover of sorts, but it turned out really well!

09 December 2009

For The Love of Aggies

This is what happens when you leave your Aggie-lovin' daughter with a bunch of Cougar fans...

They try and bring her to the DARK SIDE!

(but failed!)

07 December 2009

Holiday Cheer Pillow Cover Edition

Today was a good day, my birthday present finally showed up.

I won't even go into all the trouble I had to go through to get it here, but I'm pumped.

I am not even sure where to start...

For those of you who have Sergers, what's your favorite thing about them?
Got any tips for a new user like myself?

With my normal sewing machine more recently, I decided to whip out some cute Christmas pillow covers.

We are really cramped on storage space which makes having pillows specifically for Christmas (or any holiday) hard.

So with these covers I'll just slip them on for a month...

And when I'm done they'll fold up and go in totes with the Christmas stuff.

Neat, huh?

05 December 2009

A Friendly Letter

The other day my niece Brookie wrote me a friendly letter for school.

She even turned it in without showing it to my sister Tifani.

I love it, love her!

Dear Brookie,

I wanted to thank you for your friendly letter to me. You are very sweet and that makes it so easy to love you and spend time with you. You are so good with Bergen and love to help feed her and even change stinky diapers. I like that we can always bake goodies and make flowers together. I love you Brookie.

Aunt Tori

P.S. I will always be here to protect your from your MEAN cousins!

30 November 2009


I broke my blog...

For this I am sorry...

I am not planning on fixing it anytime soon...

So sorry again...

If your blog isn't showing up on the sidebar [and your positive we are friends] let me know...

[Sorry Sals! Fixed yours, we are still family.]

Hope we can still be friends and you will keep reading my rants...


Oh So, So Much

To be thankful for!

I was going to post something everyday last week but got busy spending time with family and neglected the Internet.

We ate not one, but two thanksgiving dinners ... Bergs even experienced some delcious table food for the first time.

Here's a few pictures from our Turkey Day...

Fun times were had by all!

On Friday we went black Friday shopping and the experience was average...not as good as last years!

Lastly, we capped our weekend off with my birthday...

I don't have any pictures from the celebrations but I must admit that I was spoiled in song, with presents, and love!

I really enjoyed the big 2 - 4 because it was the year I became a mom, but I am excited also for the even bigger 2 - 5 because T-Rizz is going to be a dad!!

**Don't you love this picture? Remember last years and how we reenacted it? I think we may need to try it again this year, I'll keep you posted.