
15 December 2009

Living in a Material World with a Material Wall

It just so happens that we have a wall in our house that we have no idea how to decorate.

Until, awhile back when a lady in my ward showed me this cute idea for wall decorations.

And yes, it's taken me a long time to follow through with it, but I think I'm really going to like it.

It's a three-step process, really.

STEP ONE - - - WOODEN FRAMES (may require handy man to assemble, regular picture frames would probably work too, if you wanted different sizes. Mine are about 18 inches x 18 inches and we did four even though three are pictured.)

STEP TWO - - - FABRIC ONTO FRAMES (this was my favorite step because I got to use the wood stapler, hammer and fabric, great combination/stress reliever. I worked my way from opposite sides while applying fabric.)

STEP THREE - - - APPLY THE ABOVE TO THE WALL (This definitely requires a handy man with a leveler, who can do step three all by himself without even being asked while you run errands for Christmas. I don't know but this step might be tricky!)

In the END it's worth it and the wall looks good**.

**problems i found:

  • some fabrics are kind of see through but don't look as see through on the wall
  • don't do a striped fabric it was a pain and I might end up changing it
****sorry for weirdness in pictures my camera is acting funny


  1. Super cute! What wall is this? Above the kitchen table?

  2. i need your help with my house! haha tor your so talented:) i think i am going to try that out since i have so many walls that arent decorated:(

  3. Seriously you are super woman! I love the idea, I'm gonna try it in my new apartment, I might be back for help!

  4. Cute Cute! It looks like it came from a magazine page!

  5. ohhhhhh they are so cute -- cuter in person I say. you are a creative GENIOUS!!!!
