
29 June 2009

Finally, It Happened To Me

Remember my struggles?

Well you'll be happy to know I finally finished binding Bergen's quilt.

I have always been a big fan of Heather Bailey, and what do you know...

She has a really simple quilt binding tutorial.

I even used thte fabric I got from the Favorite Things Swap.

Looks like Bergen likes it almost as much as her Uncle Rico.

27 June 2009

Let Me Call You Baby

My sister-in-law Ashley took some really great pictures of Bergen.

There are so many that I absolutely love!

Can't wait to share them...but for tonight I'm sleepy.

So later on this week I'll share the rest, but not without a sneak peak.

26 June 2009

Baby Cakes and Decor

This makes me hungry just thinking about this etsy shop.

Too bad they aren't edible, they are washcloth cupcakes. Wouldn't they be perfect to give to someone who is having a baby girl?

Plus they come all package up cute, I think I'd buy them just for the box!

23 June 2009

Four Months

Four months was actually last Saturday but we didn't go to the doctor until today, so I had no idea how much we weighed in at.

Bergen also got a whole slew of shots but was more concerned when they measured her height than the actual shots.

She's such a good baby and will generally smile at anyone willing to smile at her. She makes being a mom pretty easy at this point.

[I'm sure it won't always be this way, so I'll enjoy it while I can!]

Compare this picture to the others HERE.

21 June 2009

18 June 2009

SummerFest & Winborg Designs

We went to the SummerFest tonight, even though it doesn't quite feel like summer yet, and I couldn't help but keep my eyes from the Winborg Designs booth.

Talk about some serious eye candy!

I am liking all of this stuff and think it would be great in Bergen's room.

These pictures don't do them justice, they are just colorful and amazing in real life.

They even have too cute for words lamps!

16 June 2009

Step Into My Photo/Hair Booth

Have I mentioned that I love PhotoBooth on my computer?

While browsing the greatest pics tonight, it got me thinking about some important things...

Like I really like to braid my bangs, thanks LC.

And I've been doing it a lot, do you think people notice?

Also my bangs have just been getting really long, which causes me to sweep them.

Which does work as well when my hair gets greasy.

They haven't always been long, I did cut them awhile back.

I think I'm considering cutting bangs again, oh the cycle of hair!

(all of these pictures are from the last few months)

Can you help a sista out? Do you like the braid, the sweep, or bangs the best?

14 June 2009

A Daddy's Dream

What dad wouldn't love his a little girl that likes to watch Sunday golf and basketball?

I just wish this picture showed her love for both sports...

You may need to click on it to make it bigger!

Where was mom through all of this?

Back in the sewing-saddle, until my only needle broke...

Maybe it was a sign that I was being too neglectful.

I just have a few more things on my to-do list before I get back to the shop again.

I get excited just thinking about it.

11 June 2009

Friday Find: Cup Cakery Doll House

I bet I would be the coolest mom on the block if I got this Cup Cakery Doll House for Bergen.

They are having a Christmas Sale right now and it's all so tempting...

All I would need is a card table and we'd be set...

08 June 2009

Told You So...

I can't help but think about this homeless guy we ran into on our honeymoon 4 years ago.

He tapped Don on the shoulder and said, "You told me you'd being holding her hand."

We thought it was hilarious and continued to laugh every time we went to hold hands.

But we've held hands through all the major events since then, from being married to having a child.

I especially love this picture of Don holding Bergen's hand for the first time.

I hope there is a lot more hand-holding for years to come.
Happy Anniversary to us!

Guess Who...

... slept in their crib last night?

... wakes up giggling every morning?

... we love more than anything?

[Oh if only I was half the morning person Bergen is.]

05 June 2009

Oh So Sassy...

I love the age Bergen is at right now, but these dresses make me long for the day that she will be grown so I can sew her a closet full of pretty things.

Aren't these dresses great? They are from the etsy shop Oh So Sassy.

The dresses come pre-cut and ready-to-sew, with simple sewing instructions for BEGINNERS!

I particularly like THIS dress, but who am I kidding Bergen would be a doll in any of them!

04 June 2009

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

We had a baby shower for my friend Katrina yesterday and it was a blast! Katrina is in the yellow and doesn't look all that pregnant in this picture, but she will make such a cute little mom!! We had a tea party theme and it was just fun to visit with everyone and let their children run wild. 

Some highlights were  Kami's little girl Avilyn eating  my dust bunnies (eek!), Jen's little girl Haiden biting through a butterfinger wrapper to get to the candy (pictured above) and cute little Emma, Kaitie's almost 3 yr old girl, being so cute and playing babies. 

[Bergen cried but that wasn't a highlight!]

I love visiting with friends from high school and I'm already trying to think of another reason to get together...Who's having the next baby?!