
16 June 2009

Step Into My Photo/Hair Booth

Have I mentioned that I love PhotoBooth on my computer?

While browsing the greatest pics tonight, it got me thinking about some important things...

Like I really like to braid my bangs, thanks LC.

And I've been doing it a lot, do you think people notice?

Also my bangs have just been getting really long, which causes me to sweep them.

Which does work as well when my hair gets greasy.

They haven't always been long, I did cut them awhile back.

I think I'm considering cutting bangs again, oh the cycle of hair!

(all of these pictures are from the last few months)

Can you help a sista out? Do you like the braid, the sweep, or bangs the best?


  1. personally i like the last pic the headand is th way to go the flower really accents your forhead:) no really i like the braid it is different and it looks good on you! If only i knew how to french braid hmmm. p.s you crack me up:)

  2. i love the braid bangs... in fact... i wish i knew how to do it... i love it.


  3. I say the sweep or the braid! very cute! we are coming to visit on the 1st so i hope i get to see your baby then!


  4. You look simply adorable no matter what you do to your hair.

  5. I know LC would be SSSOOO proud of the braid. She would want you to wear it EVERY DAY! Although, I have to agree...I like your hair all ways. And I especially like your pictures.

  6. I really like the braid, but just like everyone else has said, you look great no matter what. I always loved your hair.

  7. I like the braid.. but my opinion is biased because I can only DREAM of doing the side braided bangs. My forehead to to big/ugly. I am really digging the bangs though. You have cool hair!

  8. I love that you took all those pictures! You're hair is beautiful no matter how it's done! Are you guys up for a pool party? I'm gonna have one in July (cousins pool).

  9. Headband. Hands down!!!

    Or braid. Just last night I was looking at the braid thinking-"can I do that?" I don't know how. Boo! Teach me?

  10. i seriously like the sweep

    although all the pictures were GREAT!!

  11. i like the braid or the sweep. i also agree that the headband is rockin!
