I am DYE-ING, I have lots to post, but our darn Internet has been chewed up by squirrels!
Wish I was joking...ha ha.
But I am hijacking a neighbors Internet connection this morning to quickly write this post and show you what I came up with for the So Sew Challenge.
The theme was ORANGE.
I used an old men's shirt (that happened to be our uncle Rico's) to make Bergs another version of the shirt dress:
More pictures about it to come soon, I was working with yet another uncooperative model this morning...haha!
Happy Halloween, hopefully I can post our pictures next week?!
29 October 2010
25 October 2010
Up Where They Walk (The Pumpkins That is...)
We went to the pumpkin walk last Friday night.
It was super cute and not too cold!
I'm glad we went last week because today Northern Utah got hit with SNOW! eek!
Bergs really loves pumpkins and kept pointing them out every 5 seconds... Pummmkin!
Cute Daddy/Bergs photo op...
Ariel and I have a lot in common ... well ok not really I can't sing nor do I have her luscious hair...
I'm also pulling a really sick face, which I apologize heavily for...
Speaking of sick, I found this masterpiece last night:
It's our first pumpkins we painted when we were dating...
Adam literally his pumpkin from a guy's picture on the front page of the newspaper and mine is frankenstein.
Tender, don't you think? ha ha jk!
22 October 2010
The Circus, Circus Purse
As you maybe remember I have been participating in the So Sew Challenges.
This weeks theme word was circus.
We have been watching a lot of Dumbo lately and Bergs is really into purses so I combined both of them, making one fabulous CIRCUS CIRCUS PURSE!
I had some really cute felt (I'm a lover of it lately) and so I just drew up a quick pattern and top stitched everything...seriously, it was quick and fun!
I should've been better at a play-by-play but if anyone is really interested I will put together a pattern.
Did I mention the inside pocket and snap?
(She's really looking for her fruit snacks, it's how you bribe your child to take cute photos)
See ya, we gots some shopping to do!
19 October 2010
Family Play By Play
This is my whole family, and boy do I love 'em!
This is the name play-by-play, just so you can get to know them better.
Come see how we've grown, HERE.
{pictures taken by the fabulous a & g photography, more faves to come!}
15 October 2010
Oh, Happy Day!
It's Friday Yahoo! So many fun things to be excited about...
First, make some cookie dough and FREEZE it over night, so you can make some of THESE DELICIOUS TREATS! (yum! yum!)
Also I will be doing a BOUTIQUE at a gorgeous HIGHMARK HOME in Nibley, come stop by and get started on your Christmas shopping!
Lastly, we have visitors coming, crafting to do, and some Birthday's to celebrate, so WE ARE GONNA HAVE A REAL GOOD TIME (I GOT A FEELIN'.)
Have a great weekend!
13 October 2010
Poodle Skirt Round-UP
Last year I helped my nieces become a BEAUTIFUL BEE & LADY BUG...
This year they wanted POODLE SKIRTS for HALLOWEEN, and since today is the first day of their UEA break, we went to town...
And because everything is cuter in miniature versions, I made one for Bergs as well...
It was pretty simple and took us less than two hours to make four skirts (two for BIG GIRLS and two for BABY GIRLS)
I was going to take some pictures of the process but I was having too much fun...so here's a break down to help you if you are looking to make a poodle skirt...
Circle Skirt HERE
and HERE
Poodle HERE
Scarf is a strip of CHIFFON
All of the skirts were made for less than 10 dollars....makes for one great costume!
(Felt is on a killer sale at Jo-Ann's in TONS of colors.)
Bergs costume is still in the works, I will give you a sneak peek until I am done.
I have been watching Project Runway too much and decided to make it from scratch...WISH ME LUCK!
11 October 2010
Bergs Latest Pictures
10 October 2010
Ten things on TEN.10.'ten (thanks for the idea, Melissa!)
1. BERG-A-LOU -- and the new things she learns everyday - for ex. she just held my phone up to her eyes and told Don to say "cheese"!
2. DON-A-THAN -- and for the dorky things we can do together but still act like we are cool.
3. FAM-I-LEEE -- we have such a great family and have often been referred to as a well-oiled machine and I wouldn't have anything, any other way!
4. HOME-SWEET-HOME -- we live in such a great location, neighborhood, ward ect. we also have a great renter (we need to get the others in on this) who was willing to help set up tables in exchange for cookies. That's cheap labor!
5. WORK-A-REE -- we BOTH have fabulous jobs that are pretty flexible with our lives.
6. HOBBIES-GALORE -- this last year having my shoppe has been a lot of fun and kept me going creativity-ly speaking. In more exciting news someone told me that all my crafty ambitions and memories come back after my kids grow up?! I feel I slipped a bit after having Bergs...
7. FRIEND-LIES -- i can't tell you on a weekly basis how many sweet comments, e-mails, texts, and phone calls I get from so many sweet people. And it's always amazing to me how they come at the right moments!
8. MY-FAITH -- I am a proud member of the Mormon Church (Church of Latter-day Saints) and love the dear prophet President Monson! I love his jokes and the sweet tender way he talks about his wife and the Gospel.
9. IN-TER-NET -- I love technology...forever and always...
10. MISS B -- it's my nieces birthday today and though we don't see her that often I just love her to pieces! And how perfect would it be to have your birthday on 10.10.10??!!
P.S. Don't you love the yellow skirt, my SIL Jill made? I think it's too cute! Happy Birthday Miss B!
07 October 2010
Pleasant Pumpkin Surprise Tutorial
Have you ever been "Boo-ed!" or have wanted a cute gift to give a teacher or friend for Halloween?
Well let me PUMP-kin you up!
(Just kidding that was lame, I know)
So before I mentioned Super Saturday coming up...well one of our activities are these "fairy bags".
After much thought I figured out how to turn the fairy bag into a pleasantly surprising pumpkin that you can fill full of treats and other Spooktacular things!
Ok you need four squares (will make two pumpkins, mine are about 10 inches I would've gone bigger except my fabric pieces were scraps): two orange and two different greens.
Cut your greens into four triangles and stitch them together alternating.
Now sew one orange and the green squares with right sides together, leaving an opening to turn inside out.
Turn inside out and stitch along the outer edge.
Flip over to orange side and fold green corners in and stitch across the top.
Thread ribbon or string through twice at opposite openings...
Then place a treat or two in the middle and pull the strings to make the pumpkin.
I will post some cute Fairy bag pictures soon, they would make some cute flower covers for Christmas and Birthday gifts!!
P.S. and where is Bergs?? Making a mess! Ha ha guess that's what I get for crafting!
06 October 2010
The Shirt-to-Knot Skirt Tutorial
She usually pipes in with "cheeese mom, CHEESE!'
Which cracks me up and I usually get side-tracked.
One of my favorite things I made for Bergen lately is this little girl shirt-to-knot-skirt tutorial I found via Be Different...Act Normal.
It was very simple and turned out so cute, I can hardly stand it!
Here are some pictures I took while making it, but for the check out Simply Modern Mom for the full tutorial.
Bergs loves to dance in her new skirt!
I feel like I need to add something to the white shirt to complete the look, what do you think?
Any ideas?
05 October 2010
Ruched Zipper Flower Necklace
After going through my fabric stash I decided I would try out some new fun things this week.
I had been dreaming of a necklace like this and when I saw this challenged from the So Sew Challenge...I decided I had the right polka dot material and was up for the challenge.
I saw a necklace like this on Anthropologie called the Nevermore Necklace...
I saw a necklace like this on Anthropologie called the Nevermore Necklace...
Anthro's price tag: $198.00, My price tag:$2.00 (roughly), SAVINGS $196.00
I cute four length wise strips and sewed them to make two really, really long strips.
And then I began folding them over each other like my photos below.
And then once you have made a block, thread a needle and sew through the middle of your pile.
Spread the material out and secure ribbon on both ends.
I thought mine looked a little plain so I made a rough version of the rosette found here on Studio 5 and made by Dear Lizzy.
And what would be a great accessory to go along with this necklace? But a black burlap bangle!
Two new ones listed in the Apostrophy Designs shop today!
Week of Break
It's funny to say but I feel like I spend an enormous amount of my energy into my little shop.
I've loved every minute of it, so don't get me wrong...but there are a lot of things on my fun-crafty-sew check-ity check list that are in need of being crossed off.
So I'm official taking a break this week and hopefully I'll be showing off some of my fun projects!
Today for example...
They are the idea of a lady in my ward...little brooms filled with candy to go along with our theme of "If the Broom Fits"!
I couldn't be more stoked, this got me in the mood for Halloween.
And later on...
I organized the heck out of my fabric.
This project has been something I've been avoiding for soo long because how do you know where to start?
Well I sorted my fabrics by scraps, lessthan a yard, and more than a yard and piled them on shelves, bins, and baskets. (color sorting all the while!)
It's still a work in progress... but it is a great reminder to me of my fabric options for some upcoming projects!
I will show you pictures of my closet when it's all organized...I just need to coax Don into building me a shelf and we will be golden!
And last but not least, another testament of the love that Bergs receives on a daily basis.
She's like a Queen really.
I put her in the high chair and my nieces and nephews bring her toys (I made the pancake) like gifts and even steal a few kisses here and there.
All hail Queen Bergs!
This project has been something I've been avoiding for soo long because how do you know where to start?
Well I sorted my fabrics by scraps, less
It's still a work in progress... but it is a great reminder to me of my fabric options for some upcoming projects!
I will show you pictures of my closet when it's all organized...I just need to coax Don into building me a shelf and we will be golden!
And last but not least, another testament of the love that Bergs receives on a daily basis.
She's like a Queen really.
I put her in the high chair and my nieces and nephews bring her toys (I made the pancake) like gifts and even steal a few kisses here and there.
All hail Queen Bergs!