
31 August 2009

Gone Baby, Gone!

Yesterday we came home from church to find our renters moving out of our basement apartment.

Who does that...

Move out the day before the month is over without telling your landlords?

Shame on them.

Shame on their parents for not teaching them any better!

I don't do the best with change, but we are looking forward to making many changes before re-renting our basement.

Which has motivated me to post some fun renovations/changes we've done to the house in the 3 years we've lived here.

More to come this week...

26 August 2009

Little Va-Cay & Mia Joey

We have been taking it easy these days.

I had a work conference thing out of town and both Don and the Bergs were able to come hang out with me for a couple of days.

We had a really good time and let's face it I am in no shape to string words or whole sentences together.

So I'll just let things be and leave you with some SERIOUS eye candy.

You might have thought I was crazy about the HEELARIOUS HEELS, but I can fully admit I am crazy in love with Mia Joie shoes!

Maybe it's the Paula Prass Fabric...

Or Mia Joie's unique take on each pair of shoes...

Either way these little things have danced their way into my dreams the past couple of nights.

I cannot get over them!

21 August 2009

Sherbet Baby

I really can't resist anything zebra, ruffles, or bum-enhancing! That's why I really want to add this ruffle diaper cover to my favorite friday finds list!

Plenty of other colors and adorable stuff HERE.

20 August 2009

Whoa-oa, We're Half-Way There!

...and just as happy as ever! Really she is a happy baby, promise.

(That's not how the song goes, who's paying attention out there...)

I wanted to have a party but I work today.

So instead I whipped out half an outfit last night, and I realized:

1- I am no good at appliqué, do not look closely please

She's the best thing, ever.

Love her.

Six Months

She only gained 9 ounces in 2 months, yikes...

Good thing we've switched to formula and also now eat solids.

I'll tell you one thing, those are not the thighs of a starving child.

Here's to hoping we gain 5 pounds by our 9-month visit!


She's really started to love that bear...


17 August 2009

It'll Give You Chills

That's how much fun we had in bear lake, so much it gave us chills.

Well there was that, and the chilly weather.

We played lots of fun games and laughed.

Some of us even ate Oreo's for breakfast, yum!

Made lots of cute flower things, for yer hair.

We even did mud masks, I think I creepily look like the Joker.

Aside from all of the above, we also rode four-wheelers, had bbq's, watched two cute movies (17 again & Shopaholic) and stayed up late playing games.

Lots & lots of fun with Adam's family.

Poor Bergen, she has been to bear lake twice now and never to the beach! What's a mom to do?

Guess we'll have to go try again soon...

14 August 2009


I never really put a deadline on the giveaway and we are headed out of town after I'm done with work today and so I chose some winners late last night.
I got these fun stickers in a Lucky magazine, so I cut them up and had adam draw names.
You guys were in luck because I found this awesome duplicate of a necklace I already own and decided to have it be a secondary prize.
And the winner of the necklace was...
Bri Alder, Wahoo!
Drum roll, please....rrrr.r....rrrrr.r.r.r....
The winner of that last Apostrophy purse (for now) is:

Melanie Wilde, Ow Oow!

Send me your mailing info at and I'll mail or deliver them next week.

Sorry for all the excitement I just love giveaways, I may have to do some more in the future!

P.S. My Friday Find for the day is I will most likely be coming back to the world of etsy this September!

12 August 2009

For Your Information

Did you think I would ask you to tell me about your purse and not SHOW you mine?

(Well I apologize ahead of time if you thought I'd be rude like that.)

Let me introduce you to my current flavor of the month, Besty.

Besty is one of the best bags a mom/hoarder-of-all-things could possible own.

It is large and I can fit almost anything and everything in it.

Trust me, it's current state looks like this...

Needless to say I'm on my way to clean it out right now...I have no idea where Mr. Incredible came from.

(thanks for the stories so far, some of them have me DYING!)

11 August 2009

3-Oh!-4 Giveaway

I want you to know I have been planning a giveaway for when I reached the 300-post mark.

I knew I was getting close and then I found out how to schedule posts and then I went a little post-crazy scheduling things here and there.

And before I knew it I was over the mark by 3!

So today I am celebrating my 304th post with a giveaway by giving this beauty away...

This baby is the last purse I have for now. It's brown suiting fabric with a bright flowery bow and coordinating lining material.

Many people have asked me if I am going to be making purses anytime soon again. As much as I loved making them I enjoy my time with Bergs more.

However because I loved having a little side venture I am working on something that is less time demanding but equally fun!

As soon as I can get my act together I will let you know what I'm up to.

In the meantime to enter my giveaway, leave me a comment telling me what you would put in the purse or what weird things you find in your purse now.

(Mine is always full of crazy stuff!)

I will pick a winner on Friday.

08 August 2009

Shawty Fire Burning on the Dance Floor

We know how to party.

We like to party.

We partied all night long.

Somebody should've called 9-1-1...Whoa-oa!

[Gonna sift through the rest of the pictures from the wedding, will post more soon!]

07 August 2009


I forgot to do a friday find.

Maybe that's because I've been busy, my baby brother (the Ninja) gets married


Time sure has flown by... and soon my best little bud will be grown-up
and M-A-R-R-I-E-D!

I made dresses for Bergs and the other little girls for the wedding.

Here's a preview, I'll post better pictures S-O-O-N.

My sister Sals and I put together these fun flowers** for their hair.

We used the fabric from the dress, tulle and ribbon to cover the buttons.

You can find the tutorial H-E-R-E.

**Warning they are addicting, go have a fun flower-making filled weekend!

05 August 2009

dear bergen

one day mom decided it would be a good idea to write you letters [almost] everyday. little did she realize it would take up some much time. it's worth every minute though!


04 August 2009

In This City

Last weekend for Pioneer Day we went down to the Bee's game and then stayed the night in Park City with some friends.

Bergen was delightful and so was the company...we'll try this all again in September! Can't wait, can't wait!

03 August 2009

Yummy, Yummy

This is what dinner looks like when Daddy's in charge...

Or dinner in general, most of the time!