
11 August 2009

3-Oh!-4 Giveaway

I want you to know I have been planning a giveaway for when I reached the 300-post mark.

I knew I was getting close and then I found out how to schedule posts and then I went a little post-crazy scheduling things here and there.

And before I knew it I was over the mark by 3!

So today I am celebrating my 304th post with a giveaway by giving this beauty away...

This baby is the last purse I have for now. It's brown suiting fabric with a bright flowery bow and coordinating lining material.

Many people have asked me if I am going to be making purses anytime soon again. As much as I loved making them I enjoy my time with Bergs more.

However because I loved having a little side venture I am working on something that is less time demanding but equally fun!

As soon as I can get my act together I will let you know what I'm up to.

In the meantime to enter my giveaway, leave me a comment telling me what you would put in the purse or what weird things you find in your purse now.

(Mine is always full of crazy stuff!)

I will pick a winner on Friday.


  1. I would put all of the pregnancy books/IVF books/ journal and other notes in it. :)

    Fingers crossed!

  2. p.s. i ♥ your purses (so much!)

  3. First off, I love your stuff and am so excited to see what you've been working on!
    As for the drawing, my purse always has tissues for my eternally runny nose and burt's bees lip stuff. The oddest thing I found recently was one single old nursing pad. The item itself is not odd, it's the way it got there that makes me laugh. Lately when I take them off to feed Tommy, Norah takes them and stashes them in the most random places. I am finding them all over the place! It may not sound all that funny but trust me, it is.

  4. Love your purses they are very cute! I'm very curious what your new venture will be.I would most likely fill it up with cute little notebooks, my wallet- small kid etertainment toys- my camera-- the usual-- the only weird things I find in my purse are rocks that my kids pick up and just love so I agree to carry them home for them- at least until they forget about them and I can chuck em. :)

  5. LOVE LOVE your purses too!! Pick me Pick me..LOL
    I would put my wallet, my cell phone, some toys for Brooklyn, a planner, some pens, my chap stick, some wipes and tissue, some treats for myself(bc heaven knows how hungry I get on my little errand running), and of course a THANK you note to mail to my friend Tori Anderson...HAHA! The weirdest thing I have recently found in my purse was a binkie and a baby sized spoon. Don't ask me how it got there.... ;)

  6. I WANT ME ANOTHER apostrophy purse!!!! so cute TorJo.

    in my purse:
    a) flat wallet
    b) glasses in glasses case
    c) make-up bag which holds: ibuprofin, hand sanitizer, small mirror, lip gloss, scissors, nail clippers

    B to the oring .... I KNOW!!!!

    congrats on 304 posts Tor!!!

  7. The purse is darling: Mine always has my wallet, loose change, my coupon organizer (empty with all coupons escaped to bottom of purse), a lipstick or two, a pen or two, my checkbook, a pair of earrings I took off while I was on the phone, and a couple debit card receipts that haven't been subtracted from my check book yet.

  8. I love the purse! I would love to own the purse!

    So I'm known among Sports Academy employees as the purse lady because the guys like to tell me that as long as I have big purses I won't get married because that means I come with 'baggage!'

    So in their attemp to prove to me how 'big' my purses are (although mind you they are regular size purses) they fill them with random objects.

    One day our general manager came in with vegetables from his garden? Where did they end up? All in my purse.

    Another day my purse was completely filled with beans! And the whole day whenever I would say something to my boss he would respond to me by saying, "Whatever Buttars, you're full of beans."

    A few weeks ago a past employee had brought back all of his Sports Academy work shirts. Where did they end up? Oh no, not on the shelf where they belong but in my purse!

    So whats in my purse you ask besides the regular old wallet and lip gloss? It varies... one day it coule be a a zuchinni, or perhaps a tomato ... I guarentee there are beans in the corners of the purse I seem to keep coming across them ... perhaps one day it will be a stapler or three-hole punch... I'm really hoping one day maybe my boss will choose to put a big fat bonus in there!

    Anyways I hope I win cause I never thought I would find the day where being the purse lady at work would pay off! Pick me! Pick me!

  9. Love the purse!! for random purse findings, I was cleaning out my purse yesterday & found a leftover hamburger from in n out that my 4 yr old wanted for leftovers (do I dare to admit that it was from last week!)

  10. I want it. I think I could fit cj in it. If not him, at least the new baby.

  11. I find TONS of weird things in my purse. I only have three :( but my favorite, which I carry around all the time, is always full of junk. Mainly melted chocolate...
    Yeah it's not good. I wash it often though so it's not too bad. hahaha :D

    Congrats on your 300th post! :)

  12. Love the purse so much I want to enter. So as for what I would put in it-I love having a water bottle and little snacks with me at all times. However, my purse now is too little for a water bottle and my wallet, so I have to pick one or the other. Seeing that usually I take my purse if I have to pay for something, I typically leave the water bottle out. Lame reason for wanting the purse, but that's the truth! :) And mostly because its dang cute.

  13. Dear purse I am currently hauling around, I am about to be unfaithful and beg and plead to have you replaced. I loved you once, but now that I am a mommy, you get abused. Oh how I wish you did not contain chewed up, half gagged on food that my sweet little child spit into my hand and there was NO PLACE TO PUT IT but to slip it politely and subtly into a little baggie inside of you...I used to be so good to you and now you are filled with chocolate and crayons that melt, crumbs, receipts...and why is it that mothers always get handed gum wrappers? Who do they think we are?? We used to be so close and now I can't stand the likes of you. What used to taxi around a wallet, lipstick and gum has now become your own little second-hand store..I am sorry it has come to this. You were so loyal, but I need to move on my dear dreams have turned to an adorable little brown number with to die for cute accent colors and patterns. Please oh please be mine...Oh and I am not exactly sure what that little sticky thing at the bottom of you is...RIP.

  14. I would love a purse of yours! You are so talented, my goodness! Items in my purse include: (There are only a million of them)
    Budget book
    Wienerschnitzel napki(Why?)
    empty checkbook (Why?)
    gum wrapper (Why?)
    An old Bees ticket (Why?)
    Too full if you ask me!

  15. Well... I wrote something a couple days ago and I checked and my comment isn't on here... Yikes!! I really want that cute purse :) What I have in my purse right now is a wallet, camera, hand sanitizer, tylenol, comb, elastic and bobby pins, lip stuff, hairspray, water bottle, planner, gum, lotion, earrings, my cell phone, a bill to pay, a button, and nail polish... what the heck.. I don't even know where some of this stuff came from... or how it is fitting.. Well.. I have been trying to enjoy every purse I have because it looks cute hanging on my shoulder, because in a few short months they will either be covered up by a diaper bag, or they will all be ruined with booger, and sticky fingers!!

  16. So cute Tori!! As I sat down to write this I realized I knew the basics of what was in my purse, but in the deep down depths where light is rarely seen, I had no clue what was lurking between the fabric seems. So I will unload each item and humor you with what I have been carrying around!(And the scary thing is...this is one of my smaller purses I have had!)
    Wallet (filled with receipts because you never know when you will need to return something ;)
    Nail file (I think it's time for a new one of those too!)
    Wrongly addressed letter from the Social Security Administration (I bet this Mr. J M will be glad when I finally get around to mailing it back to the sender)
    A few receipts that didn't make it into the wallet
    Orbit favorite
    Four pens, all different never know when pink ink will be just the right one.
    Tylenol (not as strong as ibprofen, but easier on the babes)
    A can of mace (bought when I went to Mexcio for a study abroad. Thank goodness I have never had to use it)
    Tums (who knows when heart burn will hit)
    Two more pens of different colors, and a pencil
    Loose change, a rubber band, a paper clip, and some plastic thing (these are the things that have not seen daylight for I don't know how long)
    Tape Measure (on Brian's request, it has come in handy several times at Lowes.)
    Fake wedding ring (sadly my real one doesn't fit right now, neither does this one so if you spy me with out a ring...I AM STILL MARRIED!)
    Pieces of jewelry that broke and have not found themselves back to their rightful place.
    And last but not least, my favorite Juicy Tubes lip gloss and cherry chapstick.

    Now the question is...what will make it back in the bag? But I would love to bid farewell to this green beauty and say hello to that brown fox of a bag. And I am with you Ashley...we must enjoy our purses now...who knows what they will become!!!

  17. Your purses are really cute! My current purse of the season is ginormous: it's 2 feet x 3 feet and is this awesome burnt orange color. Because it is gigantic my husband refers to it as my 'mary poppins' purse. It currently has in it:
    -my Stampin' Up Catalog from a workshop last night
    -all the cards I made at my workshop
    -water bottle
    -several varieties of lipgloss and chapstick
    -Half of the contents from my makeup bag (I woke up late and had to do part of my makeup at the red lights on my way to work)
    -a watch I need to have the battery changed...its been there for weeks!

    The craziest thing that I have ever had in my purse was an entire pizza box, two liter of soda, cups, napkins and a big bucket of licorice. We headed to the movies with a group of friends. It literally all fit in my purse without anyone noticing!

  18. pick me, pick me

    This purse is just dying to be reunited with its long lost sister purse who lives in Seattle with me. :)

    If I won this purse I would declutter the contents of my current purse and move my wallet, sunglasses, chapstick, gum, and keys into it.

  19. There are ALWAYS wrappers in my purse to things I didn't eat!! Usually my kids toss them in because they thing my purse is a garbage can! :P
