I think this just might be my favorite recipe right now...tasty-delish!!
30 September 2008
29 September 2008
26 September 2008
A Tad Bit Prudish
25 September 2008
Confession #3: Baby Widgets
Baby Widgets... ahhahahahahhhhhaaaahhhh!
I was tempted at the beginning of my pregnancy to post one on my blog, you know because I want to fit in and all, but then I realized I am in no way shape or form a fan of Baby Widgets for the following reasons:
-They are in no way accurate, as I put the same info into all of these and they tell me different things.
-It is just a constant reminder of how much longer I have until I meet my baby...if only I could figure out if it's really only 159 days, 166 days
or 171 days? Who knows.
-Did you know there is a baby widget for breastfeeding? Enough said.
-Naked babies spinning around with umbilical cords not only make me dizzy, but the nakedness really creeps me out.
If you think I'm stupid, you probably already have a baby widget on your blog, or if you don't and would like to have one on your blog, please visit HERE, HERE, HERE, or HERE.
23 September 2008
I've Been Spooked
For those Google Reader/Bloglines buds stop by and let me know what you think of the new digs!
22 September 2008
The Nose Knows
I have had a lot of people ask me about Adam Don's surgery.
I haven't posted about the ongoings of this because I was waiting for a solution before I put something so personal out there. After a handful of doctors and a couple months later, we have what they think is a viable solution to why Don has been not feeling good.
It all started... about the time we found out I was pregnant, Don called me one day saying he was dizzy and thought he had an allergic reaction. I thought he was having a panic attack about having a baby.
Since then doctors have thought he had things from acid reflux to Horner's Sydrome but they weren't quite sure. Near the end they did an MRI just to rule out more possibilities...from the MRI they found out that he has acute and chronic sinusintitus plus a few other things that would require surgery. Wait until you see the new nose!
They did the surgery and he's healing great! Of course I missed out on all of the roughness, but let me assure you that it was hard not to be here. Just so we are even I booked Don a golfing trip the beginning of March, who needs the Father in the middle of labor anyways?
18 September 2008
16 September 2008
Another Confession...
12 September 2008
Jamakin' Me Happy
3 Things Jamacian' Me Happy::
1::A little girl who loves Tu-tu's enough to wear them to bed!
2::Holding a new born baby, little Avi, and visiting with an old friend [probably longer than I should've!]
3::A new tasty breakfast treat...lots better than a plain old granola bar!
11 September 2008
7 Years Ago...
And I still remember...
Great story found HERE.
08 September 2008
Adventures in [Over Night] Babysitting
I babysat for my sister, Tami, this weekend while her husband rode in LoToJa.
I was really excited to babysits because I thought that this would be a good chance to really hone in on some mothering skills...
Step 1- Let them drink Root Beer.
Step 2- Don't let them nap, ever.
Step 3- Let them run like Wild Indians and get really dirty, so you can watch a baseball game.
Step 4- More Root Beer + Chicken Nuggets.
Step 5- Have a Splashin' Bath Time [ Sorry Bri ]
What did all these steps accomplish? A 9:00pm bed time and they slept until 8:00am...now these are my kind of kids!
Did I mention I am missing the sweet Mini Van I got to drive for a day??
Think it would be terribly weird of me to buy a Mini Van instead of the Mazda we've been eyein'?
04 September 2008
Confessions of a Twenty-Something Pregnant Woman
1- I really, really enjoy the Jonas Brothers'. That's right Becca, send me one of your posters NOW...I turn their music up really loud as I drive around (only when I hear it on the radio, of course!)
2- I go to bed before 10:00, every night.
3- I got vaclempt while watching the Sound of Music. Those singing Von Trapp's...
4- I am NO longer the cool Aunt because I can't play cheerleader or do flips.
*The torch however, has been passed to Rachel, whom I feel with a little bit of cheerleading know-how, will do just fine.
5- I reeeally enjoy Rootbeer, this is NOT a bad thing...so if you are feeling generous and know where I live, would you bring some by??
[This is all in joking humor to let you know things are really going great!! P.S. if anyone out there has any good music suggestions please send them my way or make me a CD and bring it along with the Rootbeer, ok?]