
22 August 2010

Eighteen Months

How in the WORLD have 18 months gone by?

And with each passing month I learned to love my BERGS more and more!

Some of her favorite things she does...

-dancing, Dancing, DANCING!
-spinning cirlces
-GOING anywhere (right now she loves to go in tippy's car)
-loves to eat cereal in her seat with milk and a poon (spoon)
-shoulder shrugs
-learns new words everyday, today she kept saying "people"
-she loves books
-she loves to throw things away (hopefully we don't lose anything we want!)
-she loves to rip paper (see above)
-she loves to give kisses and squeezes tighter and tighter

Did I mention she got to go to nursery at church today? Sorry if you don't understand my ling-o click the link to find out what the heck it is (besides pure chaos!)

She was fine, I was not...Oh man, I am not sure how many more growing moments like this I can take as a mother!


  1. Oh nursery! I LOVE nursery! You will too!

    What a cutie she is! I love those teeth! What a fun age!!

  2. Wow, she's a big girl. Congrats on nursery. That's great that she did well. Less stress for you!

  3. You got me???!!! How did 10 go by this fast? Hey I have some questions I want to talk to you about whats your number?

  4. Happy 18 months! What an adorable girl. Sometimes sending them to nursery is harder on mom than on the baby. Especially the first child. I feel for ya!

  5. 18 months so cute- Cannon is walking, can you believe THAT! She is too cute:)

  6. YAY for nursery!!! It's the best invention ever. I swear!
