
31 January 2012

Nesting Series Over at Delia Creates

I did some sewing this weekend and I love how things turned out...

Here's Bergen's half...

Of course she wore it to church, but we were late, then I came home early with Dylan, we both napped, by the time I woke up Bergs she had stripped down and wouldn't put it on for a picture.

Anyone else ever has those days?

Anywho, for Dylan...

I posted her cute little number, with a tutorial over at Delia Creates.

Delia is about to have a baby girl and so she is celebrating with this sweet little 'Nesting Series' and can I say there couldn't be a more stylish pregnant lady, I'm sure her little one will be just as stylish!

11 January 2012

Pregnancy, Nesting, Healing & a Blessing {Final Chapter}

My Mom was an amazing women and talented to boot. She whipped out the most amazing blessing dresses for each of the granddaughters born in my family.

A few months after her passing the realization hit that there are only two dresses left and I have two brothers who have yet to have girls, seems only fair they should get dresses right?

I decided that I would just be ok with the fact that Dylan could be blessed in the same dress as Bergs and so on down our little family line...

Until one day I found a half finished dressed, I teared up at the thought that I could finish something beautiful that my mom had started (it was usually the other way around). And so the nesting began.

I crocheted for hours at a time and days before Dylan was due turned into weeks after she was here!

I cried trying to teach myself the pattern and spent a great deal of my time in this labor of love, but as of last Friday, the dress was done. I cried as I tied the finishing ribbons on the dress, for when I started it I didn't think I could finish it, I thought the dress would defeat me.

Isn't she sweet?? Her dad blessed her that she will have a 'zest' for life, I'm pretty sure she's got that nailed at 3 months! ha ha

I spent a greater part of the last year feeling defeated by life. But this year will be different, I am enjoying Motherhood to its finest and pursuing many creative endeavors 
[[ which I hope to share soon! ]]

I'm back and I'm happy, what more could you want??

Dylan's Birth Announcement

So our Christmas card sucked this year -- ha ha, but I'm really proud of how this turned out.

{{ If you failed to get a Christmas card, now you know }}

Thanks for the idea Pinterest!