
06 September 2011

Pregnancy, Healing & Nesting -- Part ONE

I'll never forget this last Valentines Day. No, it wasn't because my husband was super romantic {which he is, don't let me ever tell you different } but I found out I was pregnant.

Now, let's back up to the end of November... We had thought long and hard about our insurance and our options for the upcoming year. I never was gung-ho about having my children all super close, because I have four fabulous sister's and we aren't that close in age and are still best friends. So after a lot of talking we decided to go the cheaper route and up our deductible and wait until the following year for a baby.


I, a little shocked, and also pretty excited...ditto for Adam Don. After waiting almost a year for our Bergen Jo, I couldn't believe that a little baby somehow could sneak it's way into our lives.

After my Mom passed away, everything made sense. This baby was not an accident but apart of something bigger than the here and now. She was my miracle baby.

She is my bit of sunshine through this rough time. Every time I get down and discouraged a swift kick to the ribs or tap dance on my bladder reminds me of the happiness that can still be found in life.

{There is  a lot of rib kicking these days}


  1. Love the picture! I can't believe she is almost here. So exciting. HUGS

  2. Oh Baby Chica! She is a miracle baby. And I am sooo excited to meet her! I need to get that perfect corner blanky back to you...I'm guessing you want it for Chica. :)

  3. i loved this post! i am so excited for little baby chica!! so so so soon! xo
