
29 March 2011

Soo Excited, and We just Can't Hide It!

 I'm going to be a BIG SISTER...(October 13th)

 Yeah, my mom right there is having a baby...

 We are pretty excited! Can you tell?

P.S. My dollar store challenge is up over at SO YOU THINK YOU'RE CRAFTY, go on a vote! There are a ton of cute ideas (even though I am partial to mine!)

23 March 2011

Well Now,

it's me (well us) again.

I must admit I am really bad at writing when things are well, uh, not going my way.

I won't share details but I can say things are on the UP!

I haven't taken any pictures of Bergs with my camera for awhile, but thank goodness for PhotoBooth. If only I had time to document and sort through all the goodies we've taken...maybe one day.

Some of Bergs funnies:

-Saying "I'm sick" when she wants to get out of something
-After playing house with cousin Hadley, Bergs says Goo Goo Ga Ga (all the time)
-Sings weird made up songs about an Apple or Apple Sauce
-Say's "Oh Crap" for me when I drop something
-Loves to dip, Ketchup, Syrup, Butter, Ranch, Basically anything liquid or smearable
-Calls our house, HER HOUSE
-Asks to go to Church/Nursery about every other day
-Talks non-stop
-Loves to tell secrets (it's always I LOVE YOU!)


**Also I just finished my first Weeks Project for SYTYC! The theme was Dollar Store and I'll have to be honest I am not a browser of any type when it comes to shopping. I usually have to have my mind set on what I'm getting before I go into any store, so this project was a little tough for me. But I love what I came up with and HOPE you will too!

15 March 2011


Sorry for the delay!

But we had quite the weekend, busy, crazy, busy, crazy, crazy, busy!

I got Bergen's two-year pictures finally taken on Saturday (the sun came out! HORRAY!).

She was completely afraid of the HUGE balloon, I know right? Totally worth it though.

But I will post more details as soon as I get the pictures from my cute SIL, Ashley.

CONGRATS TO KAREN WHO WON THE DOLL! CONTACT ME at torijoandersen(at) with hair color/dress color preference and address!

I am still working on the pattern, who was I kidding it's a lot of work! But I will get it done soon!

09 March 2011

SYTYC Audition: Day & Night Doll GIVEAWAY

Many of you guessed it and WAHOO! I am going to be apart of the ongoing So You Think You're Crafty Competition!

I have a lot of fun ideas and am really excited to share them...

First up was my Audition Day & Night Doll...
Dolls are fun and they come with a lot of accessories. However, one thing that I am constantly picking up around my house is the clothing, leaving the dolls naked.

For my SYTYC audition project, I decided to craft a doll that gives you the best of both worlds, a Day & Night Doll.

You get all of the fun and playfulness of the DAY...

 And the softness of the NIGHT...

Each doll is made out of felt, hand embroidered faces, and stuff with love.

{And the best part is you get a clothing change with the clothes staying on!}

I have been working like a mad dog to get a pattern done, but if you are interested in winning a customized doll for you or the little girl in your life leave a comment!

I will pick a winner on Sunday! Thanks!

05 March 2011

Bergs Family & House

 For Bergen's Birthday we gave her a Fisher Price Dollhouse that came with a cute little family.

Lately this is her most favorite thing to play with and she has named the family members after her cousins and uncles.

I giggle everytime she plays with them because the baby is often crying and she is always telling the baby to stop crying and to go to sleep.

She is going to be a great BIG sister one day, ha ha!

Uncle Rico is Adam's brother, Aaron. 
Grandma is Grandma.
Bryters and Brooklyn (sometimes Brinlee) are two cousins.
Mom, Dad and Baby are themselves.

I just really think it's cute to see her have an imagination with the family, even though she's named them after the people we probably see most often!

P.S. You should see us fit them all in the family van...