
28 February 2011

So You Think You're Crafty Auditions

I am auditioning over at SO YOU THINK YOU'RE CRAFTY... I can't tell you which project is mine but atleast go over and vote for the craft you think is best (let's hope it's mine!). Thanks!

I'll post my project with a tutorial next Monday! :)

27 February 2011

Birthday Bash Recap

Bergen's 2nd Birthday was a FULL week of celebrating. 

I often caught her saying "Happy Birthday to Me CHA-CHA-CHA!" Several times.

Due to family schedules we decided to have two Birthday parties...

So I made TWO cakes, both with the same idea of roses/flowers off THIS cake I saw over at I Am Baker.

We celebrated the weekend before Bergs birthday with Adam's family.

Uncle Rico's new girlfriend even made some delicious cupcakes too (worked out well for the occasion!)

 We ate pizza, killed a pinata, and then headed to the Aggie game.

Here's Bergen and her cousin Paige at the game, the shared a seat together and did the Scotsman.

It was really cute!

Until Bergs tried to hug Paige, which she didn't know what to think of.

The party with my family was planned the Saturday night before her birthday, but she spent most of the night/day with the flu. So thanks to the Holiday on Monday we just decided to celebrate that.

 The Barbie cake was fun to make, but the cake part didn't really turn out.

Has anyone ever made a successful Barbie cake? I followed the instruction and everything. Thank goodness for frosting.

 After the presents were opened Bergs enjoyed looking at them with her cousins.

One of her favorite gift is a princess outfit which we wear atleast once or so a day.

 Here she is reminding me that my baby is TWO.

And here she is blowing out her candle, which she insisted on doing 3 or so times.

I am thankful for everyone for the love and Birthday wishes for Bergs.

She is well loved, I can tell you that!

23 February 2011

Burn / Valentines Day

A few weeks ago my Bergen Bug got burned.

It was not a fun experience for anyone involved.

I was at work and Bergs was with her aunts.

It happened all to fast, and we all feel really bad.

She pulled a hot bowl of top Roman off the counter and dumped it on herself.

It burned her right eye and arm. OUCH!

We feel very blessed because it could've been a lot worse and are thankful for all the help and loves!

She was a really good patient and would tell me her "arm better mom, better!"

I tried to get some pictures of her arm but she wouldn't let me, she liked to keep it covered up.

Here's her eye a few days later and it already looks better.

This was the cute little outfit I bought her for Valentines Day, but I didn't get to many pictures!

20 February 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Love

Two years ago I waited anxiously for my doctor's appointment to determine if I was still having abnormally high blood pressure.

At my 8:00am appointment it was determined, that I would be induced and went back home to wait for the hospital to call me.

After waiting, I called several people to talk about the events to come and then Adam Don and I went to Old Gristmill (sandwich shop) and got some lunch.

By 3:00pm I hadn't heard from the hospital so I called up there and then told me to come up around 5:00pm.

After notifying some people I tried to sleep, but how can you sleep when your life is about to change forever?

Two years later it's all HISTORY... {thanks goodness for my blog to jog my forgotten memory}

Today my Baby Love, aka Bergs, is turning TWO.


She makes up songs to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, gives loves so freely, and is a complete JOY to be around.

She put Daddy in time out for almost hitting her dollhouse with a ball, and when he walked into the bathroom she screamed at him to go back to time out. {I about lost it}

She throws things or bumps you in the slightest and she's there to say sorry and give you a big kiss.

She's love's chocolate in any form (except for with nuts, due to a weird HIVES thing) and happened to eat four candy bars at Grandma's tonight.

She says "Oh" if she thinks somethings interesting and laughs if everyone else in the room is.

She's an BIG Aggie fan, loves Big Blue, and can do the scotsman better than most.


14 February 2011

Valentines Winners!

I almost missed my deadline! But I have chosen some winners! So shoot me an e-mail at torijoandersen(at) and let me know your color preference! CONGRATS and THANKS to everyone who entered.

I have some bum news, I can't find the cord to my camera. I had this whole cute picture montage planned but I will keep searching.

In the meantime I hope you enjoy this cute picture that is on the cover of j crew's crew cuts (kids line). Not only do I love their style I love the BRAIDS.

Braids are some of my favorite things and today I am sharing them over at olive & a. Heather is such a neat, well put together mother/wife/person and has such a talented eye for everything pretty! Stop by and check out mine and other favorites at her cute, cute blog.

You can also see more of my braids and other fun things on my pinterest.

Hope you had a great Valentines, I know we did! :)

08 February 2011

Give Said the Little Bergs!

 What do 500 blog post + {almost} 200 etsy sales =???

 "A BIG Valentines Giveaway!" says a messy Bergs.

I will give away three of my new sparkly zipper headbands in Missy Ruby, Pink Sapphire, and Ever Aquamarine.

Wouldn't it be a great present for your Valentine?!

To enter the giveaway comment on this post before Monday the 14th! 

I am also listing them in my shop HERE.

Did I mention I'm on Facebook too? You can follow Apostrophy Designs HERE.