
04 April 2010


I sold my old point and shoot camera which is one of the reasons I haven't posted.

Let's be honest, the only reason you read is the eye candy.

Me too.

I listed my camera a few months ago and had my eye on a certain camera that was for sale at the time. Two months later it finally sold and I had honestly give up hopes of a new one...

Anyone have any good suggestions for a new camera?

I am in no way wanting to be a full-fledged mom-photographer but I would love a camera that can catch Bergs in motion.

In the meantime I am dying because my baby gets cuter everyday and is constantly learning new things and I have this need to capture everything.

Words will have to do for now.

Here are my favorite Bergen moments...

-Saying Grandma, Grandpa, Bella and Go!...
-Being shy and shoulder shrugging
-Popping Bubbles on iPhones, even if they don't have the App
-Piggytails and crazy hair
-Giving kisses
-Crazy smiles with teeth coming in every which way

Oh boy, I love her!


  1. I still think the Canon rebel is a good choice... OR the nikon d5000. It has movie mode, which I think is really cool. And it's around the same price, I think, as the rebel?

  2. Nikon coolpix is a great choice for a mom on the go, with a toddler on the go. it was my first camera way back and its gotten only better since!

  3. I love her too! So, so much! She really does get cuter everyday and I have no idea how that is possible!

  4. I agree with Ashley. I like the Canon Rebel Xsi which is a great price right now. I think the Ti is a superior camera (wish) and not that much more - if you shop at Sam's at least. If you don't want to dish out over $500 for a camera I seriously love my canon A590. It is a pocket camera that is older but has maintained it's price and has great reviews - even over it's newer cousins. I am a little Canon biased though. Good luck with that!
