
13 April 2010

"Hi Dad"

It's me, Bergs, you are gone playing basketball and Mom is making me take pictures again...

I guess I really do enjoy it, and even try to give mom kisses on the screen...

I was so good tonight she cloned me...and listed the clone in her shop...
(or some other new things soon!)

...any takers?


Sidenote: posts are going to be creative, I am still camera-less...but I am trying out a camera I borrowed from my SIL but I can't figure out how to get them on my computer?! life is busy (I'll post about fun part of things soon) and the weather is crappy (which gives me zits) --all bad combinations!


  1. I want the clone! But you already knew that, i tell you to clone her for me all the time! Gotta love that girl!I love the pictures! I can't wait to hear Davis giggle when i show him these!

  2. haha! Please invite Davis & Bella over again to play on your computer & make funny faces. That post that Traci did was so funny, my kids watched it over & over & can do a pretty good imitation of Davis :) Really, really they can!
