
02 March 2010

A & G Photography

As you know my talented sister in law has been photographing my little bergs from the beginning.

Remember how cute they have all been?

So of course we had her take some of Bergs for her birthday! Here's a sneak peek, I'll show some more later...

But I wanted to let you know that my sister in law, Ashley, has launched her photography website and it is awesome!

Along with the launch she giving some stuff away on her blog...

Go check out her website and enter the giveaway on her blog, it's worth it!

P.S. Being ONE is awesome!


  1. I love this photo. I need to finish the rest... but I can tell you right now there are a MILLION good ones. She's so cute.

  2. Oh my gosh, I LOVE that picture!!!

  3. LOVE that picture-she is such a happy little girl! And the outfit turned out way cute-you never cease to amaze me with your unique talents.
