
05 January 2010

Let's Go Back To Christmas

I have been waaay behind this year**.

As a matter of fact, I just took down my Christmas stuff last night and I just realized I forgot to take down the nativity.

That will have to wait until tomorrow, shhhhh don't tell anyone.

Maybe we'll just pretend for one more night that it's Christmas.

Christmas was a lot more eventful at our house then I could've imagined.

I have the pictures to prove it.

We had high hopes of Bergs crawling to her presents.

Nope, she wanted the video camera instead.

After being put by the present, she finally caught on.

I bought this pony originally because I enjoyed it, but she's been riding it every morning since.

Even while opening other presents we were going through pony with-drawls.

Haiden and his "Bergie" at grandma's house opening presents.
He absolutely loves Bergs and smothers her with kisses and loves everyday.

My favorite present of the year... Don told me it didn't turn out like he had planned but I simply love it!


**Stay tuned for a really fun announcement that will explain my slacker habits!!


  1. I love that Bergs. And her pony!

  2. I also love the plate from Don and Berg. So, so cute! And that pony is the cutest thing I've ever seen...and I love that she loves it so much!

  3. I love the pony picture--priceless!

  4. So cute! Christmas with kids is the best!

    I love that announcement! Congrats D! (I'm really just trying to confuse you, and everyone)
