
02 September 2009


What's a girl gotta do to be able to get ready in the morning?

It seems we've developed a case of being clingy.

After an hour or so of crying I finally decided to saddle my baby up.

It's not ideal, but at least I got my make-up done.


  1. I use to go thru this same thing.

  2. uh-oh! I know this stage all too well :)

    good luck and so sorrrrrrry....... it doesn't last forever.

  3. Oh the joys! I used to drag my high chair into the bathroom and let her snack on something while I got ready, it worked pretty good for awhile! Now she has to sit on the counter and turn the water on and off while I do my make-up. They are still stinking cute though

  4. that is darling. you are so beautiful!

  5. Don't you love it!! at least you can do that.. with 2 there is not enough space. so... I just dont get ready!!! but good luck

  6. MEMORIES! Stella lived in the tummy pack for quite sometime, so it seems. But like everything else....just a phase. Bergen is growing sooooo fast!

  7. At least she likes it in there. I tried that with Jimmy and guess what? Hated it. So he ended up just screaming instead. Haha! Mother of the year!
