
18 May 2009

Was Lost But Then I Found...

When I was first new at the mom thing, I am embarrassed to admit that I would go 5 [or so] days without washing my hair**.

I know, I know!

Now I am a changed woman.

My baby is 3 months and that makes me a veteran at this mom stuff right?

I may still go a day or two [or 5**] without washing my hair but now I do it without shame.

And it is all thanks to a little something called Big Sexyhair Volumizing Dry Hair Shampoo...

It tends flake a bit so I just use it underneath and then brush it out.

Best thing to happen to me since ROOTBEER.

[That and my sweet little family.]

**Let it be known, I shower daily...


  1. lol

    ... i'm gonna have to check it out... i like to let a good flat ironing job last! :)

  2. did you know you can buy it at wal-mart???? YOU SERIOUSLY CAN.

    I love the stuff too.

    I MOSTLY shower daily.


  3. i remember those days - then i had to go back to work. the students can tell if i don't shower or wash my hair :)

    i'll have to look that stuff up for summer and break days :)

  4. Oh how I love that stuff too! I rarely shower though.

    And look at you advertising on your blog!

  5. I am so glad that I was able too help you with your hygiene! You forgot my shout out for hooking you up with your favorite product! J/K! I don't need any credit! But your still welcome! I still love you! Just wait til we hook you up with some lushes lashes! That's next! Love ya, sals

  6. Hey it works dang good! If you don't want to pay full price let me know and I can hook you up!
