
12 March 2009

Squawking Phoenix

Here are some more pictures of our little Squawking Phoenix...

Taken by her Aunt AshTab...

The first one is HILARIOUS.

The last one is my FAVORITE.

I just LOVE her.


  1. she is the cutest little Squawker ever.

    I just LOVE her too.

  2. Oh my gosh. I just love that first one. Don's arm is great...not to mention your hand ;) Her face is priceless.

    How is the little one doing?

  3. she is so beautiful! i love her little flower bow :)

    don't forget today is Free Giveaway Friday, so be sure to swing by The Pink Potpourri and enter to win!

  4. Can she get any cuter! All these adorable pictures we need to come see her in real life:) Hope everything is going good

  5. I too love the first picture. its great to see adam's pasty white arm. Its a sign that it needs to be golf season for him. Burge is so chute. (as Hadley would say)

  6. oh tori, she is precious! i am dying to come up and see her again, it's been too long. we're getting everyone healthy and then we'll be up.

  7. oh tori, she is precious! i am dying to come up and see her again, it's been too long. we're getting everyone healthy and then we'll be up.

  8. Cute! How is life with the little one??

  9. oh she is so cute!!!! it's hard to believe that she is a squawking phoenix! (then i look back at the other picture you posted of her screaming)

  10. She is so cute! The parental controls on my computer blocked me from your blog when I tried to get here...I wonder what it didn't want me to see??? :)

  11. Reason #574 why I need it to be summer-

    I am jealous of a new born baby's skin color. She looks so tan compared to my pasty white skin.

    Bergen is so pretty!
