
02 March 2009

March Madness

We are still here.

Some happier than others.

But we are surviving!


  1. even crying she looks cute!! (could also have something to do with the fact that i'm 100's of miles away and that there is no sound attached to the picture)

  2. So funny- I can totally hear that new born baby cry- try to enjoy it because it changes fast!

  3. You look so good Tori. I didn't look or feel like myself for the first 2 weeks of my babies life. Good for you! She is so dang cute.

  4. She is so cute! newborns are so fun and it gets better as it goes!!

  5. she's SOOOOOOO cute -- even screaming. you look great tor. hang in there -- she will get into a groove soon enough here!!!

  6. Bergen is so darn cute! She looks so grown up already.
    Wow, I hope I look as good as you do in a week. Our little Thomas is here and so tiny, tiny, tiny. Here's to the Mother-hood!

  7. AHHH!! I just want to hold her and love her! She needs me! Right? Yes! Ok, I'm on my way over!

  8. HAHAHA. Been there! Love that pic! To this date my only pic with my newborn is where is screaming. (Thanks to the hubs who is photo challenged).

  9. oh that makes me miss her. you are looking so good tor! is that a real smile? lol!

  10. Congratulations on the safe arrival of the babe! She looks like she has a healthy set of lungs. We need to come see this sweet little pumpkin of yours.

  11. Awww! Bergen is so chute even when she is mad! I want to see her again!!!

  12. congrats! it might be crazy right now, but enjoy every wonderfully hectic minute...this stage passes much too quickly! welcome to the mommy club!

  13. Yeah she still looks adorable crying. I hope your doing good and we miss you guys. Bergen is so cute!

  14. Blogger of the year...Tori. You're a brand new mom and you still are able to keep up with the blogging. You put us all to shame.
