
31 December 2008

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

I can officially say I am SAD to see this year end. 

It came and went TOO quickly.

I still have ALL of my Christmas stuff out. Lights. Tree. Everything Jingly.

I have NO resolutions as of yet. 

So I have decided to extend this year an EXTRA week and will be sharing some pictures of my favorite events of 2008 starting Monday.

5 days, 5 events, people...

And then MAYBE I can get around to those darn resolutions.

Until then I leave with you the CHRISTMAS BEARD.

Conceived sometime before Christmas [December 21st?]

Time of Death 8:00 a.m. December 31, 2008.

How I loved thee, CHRISTMAS BEARD.

Rest in Peace.

Adam called me a "weirdy beardy"...a common saying around these parts.

Pun definitely intended.

[Happy NEW Year!!]


  1. happy new year and i'm looking forward to you posts on monday :)

  2. I'm sad I'm missed seeing that!

    It was good talking to you the other night. After we left I was telling Tanner all about you and all of the sudden I was saying, "Hey! Why do I even like this girl?! She has/can do everything! She's funny, smart, beautiful, talented, and crafty!" Plus you're gonna be a great mom! Oh well, I still love ya!

    P.S. I LOVE my bag! My sisters-in-law were dying over it. I sent them your way!

  3. Thats a pretty sly picture of your man-he looks like he is up to somethin'.
    It was so good to see you and SOOOOO good to see your cute belly! YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL PREGO MOMMY! :)
