
01 August 2008

An Ugh Situation...


What takes this situation from Ugh to Oh-La-La?

Our car got hit late one evening...

Since I then have had a headache...

My cure...

Ben & Jerry's...

If only they were car mechanics too!!


  1. Tor im so sorry to hear about your car. But perfect excuse for ben and jerrys especially cookie dough! my fav:) So i have a question. Breaking Dawn? (twilight):) are you getting it? i cant wait were going tonight to get it.

  2. Hey Rachel is Troy going with you? Are you guys going to Borders? If so I'll see you there! I expect some sweeet costumes from all of you.

    Also, Tori.. I commented back to on my blog so just so you know I am pissed Hightower is gone!

  3. Sorry about your car. I hope that you guys are okay. Good luck! I do agree that ice cream makes the world a better place!

  4. yummy, yummy ice cream! sorry about the car!

  5. I swear you have had more car problems than most people I know. At least it wasn't your fault, right?

  6. OH NO! I'm so sorry about your car! That's awful. I'm glad Ben and Jerry were gentlemanly enough to help you feel better.
