
20 August 2008

Hello Sweet Boy.


My Sister-in-law Jill had her baby this morning...little, sweet Crew Bradley.

I wish I lived closer so I could see him right away! My brother sent me these pictures and I don't know if it's the hormones or what...but I just melted when I saw him.

::Oh sweet babe of mine, can I fast forward a couple months to meet you and then put you back in my uterus* so I can prepare a little more?::

*Is it ok to say the word uterus in blogland?


  1. He is so CUTE! i cant wait to go see them. Are you guys going down? We are probly going after troy gets off work at 3.How are you doing? have you thought of any names at all?

  2. So stinking cute! I think you can say whatever you want on your blog. It's yours. And if people don't like talk of uterus' they can go elsewhere. Ha!!!

  3. lol. I'm pretty sure it's an unwritten rule that pregnant women can say "uterus" and pretty much anything else they want. :)

  4. I think I'll take my business elsewhere, to a blog where they don't use the "u" word. I can pretty much promise that the Soffe Report will stay "u" word free.

  5. Oh Tor you are going to be the perfect, most ideal mom! I am excited for you guys!

  6. Tori, this is Chelsie that used to work at Dr. Guymon's with you. How are you doing? Congrats on the baby! Do you still work for him? I love the bags that you design; where could I go to get one?

  7. Imagine my surprise when I opened your blog (only weeks after learning you were pregnant) and saw a picture of a baby. I had to look at the calendar and make sure I hadn't fallen into a coma for 9 months! :)

  8. So happy for you. I havn't been in blog land for a while and was wondering how you were. Oh dear, if uterus isn't ok I'm in trouble.
