
10 July 2008

Fat To Fuel

I love this picture and have seen it everywhere, but what if there were a different way to fuel our cars?? Some people at work were watching this today and I think we're finally on our way to finding an alternative fuel...

Favorite Quotes...

"Burger King and McDonald's are True American Heroes..."

"Butt fat is better than Gut fat..."

"Skinny people aren't doing anyone any favors..."


  1. This completely cracked me up!

  2. funny post! i enjoyed it :) thanks so much for the favorites swap package! just got it in the mail yesterday. i LOVE everything you sent me!

  3. just wanted to let you know i enjoy reading your blog! i was also wondering how you get a column on each side of your blog. {like to put lists on and such.} and how did you do your cute titles for each one?

  4. I wonder how many miles I can get off my butt fat... I am dang excited for my purse to come. Maybe I can get you some business out here in OK. I can't wait to see what is inside!
