
09 June 2008

Three Year Wife Chart

3 years ago, last night, Don was sick to his stomach. Was it the thought of marriage that was getting to him or food from dinner, [which often makes him sick anyway]?

Well as we were talking last night, his mom brought this topic up, I don't think I ever got a straight answer or ever will. And that right there is what Life As Donswife truly is! Almost never getting a straight answer, sarcastic remarks, bits of bread left on plates and in the sink, singing in the shower and many, many more fun times... But I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!

I have filled out this wife chart to check my progress to see how I am making it as a wife of three years...



1- Slow coming to bed - Would falling asleep on the couch really count against me?
4- I was banking on Guitar Hero counting for this one.
5- What is wrong with red toe nails? At least they're painted!
12 a - Jealous of Don's other love, G-O-L-F.
12 b - As long as I get to sleep in, so does he!

**So 89 [before Demerits]-24 = 65....SUPERIOR!

All in all we are both still standing and laughing, so we must be doing something right...

Here's a couple of pictures from our wedding:
[I know people always joke about wanting to put their dresses back on after a few years, but does anyone really do that? I've thought about it...]


[CHART found HERE]


  1. So cute! Congrats on three years. That has gone by pretty fast. Ryan's other love is GOLF too!

  2. We are approaching our three year anniversary in September, and i have had the urge to put on my dress about a hundred times, and have acted on it about four! After the first time i got "caught" it has become a running joke in our house.

  3. I sure hope he wasn't getting cold feet! I'm sure it was just the "Andersen tummy" acting up. I am so happy you have joined our family. I love my sister Tori!

    Those pictures are way cute and I'm sure you'd look fabulous in your dress today!

  4. I'll put my dress on if you'll put your dress on.

    You did AWWWWESOME on the wife test. I'm not sure I would fair as well as you......

    cute pics... you guys are so dang cute (ok ok, mostly you)

  5. Congrats on three years!!! Your wedding pictures were super cute!

  6. p.s. I just finished looking at the rest of your blog and looked at your creations. They are very trendy and I really, really like them. I like them so much that I made my husband bookmark a copy of the site for my birthday! Way to go Tori! You are so creative!!

  7. Tori, you are such a crazy woman! But,,,you are soooo DARLING! Thanx for letting Mckall and me and my family share a little bit of yours!
    Your wedding pics are beautiful!..I have never put on my dress again (mostly because I rented it..)!!! But, I still have my hat that I love....and Ryann wears on occasion when she gets married! hahahaha!! ;)
