
27 December 2007

Gotta Love the Subway

I realize that I am behind on things I am wanting to share, so instead of boring everyone with one HUGE post. I will continue to post once, sometimes twice a day until all I want to say has been said... So there.

Ok, you saw a preview of our trip to New York, a picture of me with the Naked Cowboy (which has caused a lot of harrassment on my end). This would've gone up before those photos if my camera hadn't died while uploading...

One of my favorite things about the East Coast is the subways and that's because you never know what you are going to find down there.

Here's a prime example...


  1. That was entertaining! Was it a child or a midget? They were pretty darn good!

  2. It's a midget... ha ha! He looked a lot like Michael too!

  3. that is so cool! i want to see it lots and lots bigger! i love midgets!

  4. I can't believe that was a midget! I was imagining Cooper doing it the whole time:)

  5. I can't lie... I love midgets... they are so funny... No offense to them. But them dancing... as Michael Jackson. Hill-Dang-Larious. Love it!
