
20 December 2007

Best Christmas Present Ever!

The Naked Cowboy & I in Times Square... [Santa MUST have gotten my letter this year!] I had to keep reminding Don that he [the cowboy] made me put my hand on his tush... New York is a big, big place... and not that I know other wise, but it is the BEST at Christmas!!

I will post more later...


  1. Haha!!! NICE! I didn't know Don to be the type to have his wife pose with her hand on a mostly naked guy's butt. Do you think he was cold?

  2. AHHHH! oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. too too too funny. I LOVE IT!!! and I am glad you are back... I missed you (cyber wise)and I really miss you (in person wise)

  3. That is sooo funny! You are one brave girl:) Hope to see you on Christmas Eve- we will be at Dad and Nans!

  4. tori that picture rocks. I only wish i could have been there with you!!!! I am glad you are home it wasn't the same without you here!! luv ya

  5. Hahaha, these photos are way too funny!!!! I'm with Ade on this one- how does he not freeze to death?

  6. Yeah I hope he would make enough to cover the hospital bills, because you can't really tell in the picture but it was taken the day the Noreaster blew through town, so it was rainy and windy!!

  7. Tori- You are WAY too cute for that guy. Pretty funny though!! NYC looks like a blast.
