
05 November 2007

I Got Tagged...

I got tagged by my sister-in-law Jill, I am very bad at these things but haven't had much else to blog about so I will give this a go...

6 Things People Don't Know About Me...
[I guess I am doing it in a count down deal]

6- I love reality TV shows... I think I posted this before, but if there is a show that claims to show REAL people doing REAL things... I am in... no questions asked... especially shows like the bachelor... because it's so REAL, the feelings are just REAL!
**however, the one exception to the rule is Survivor; I don't watch Survivor at all!!

5- I love to Gossip...that's bad I know but I think I acquired this skill from working in the Dental Industry... I mostly love knowing gossip about people I don't know because if I don't know them I am less likely to spread it... justifiable I guess?

4- I hate shopping for clothes... unless I am with my sisters, I would never just go to the mall or anywhere else like that by myself and buy something... I need motive.

3- I like to dance when no one is watching or if they are [neighbors to the south]... especially on the wood floors in our kitchen, I do all sorts of turns... even about broke my foot once... That was done after watching Dancing With The Stars.

2- I love to read, ha! I just haven't really read anything for fun since I've been in college [I feel guilty neglecting all of my college books], but I used to read all sorts in high school and I am counting down the days until I can read for fun again... May 2008.

1- I love fabric... I will go to Jo Ann’s on a bad day and just look and feel fabric... and dream of all the things I could sew... it really helps!! My day after Thanksgiving includes waiting in the freezing cold with all the old ladies at Jo Ann's for $1 flannel...that's right flannel.

Sorry some of these are lame and some people already know some of these things, hopefully by now Adam Don knows all of these things... I am supposed to tag 6 people but I won't unless there are people out there who want to do this.... just let me know if you do so I can read it!!


  1. fun to read! it's always fun to learn more about people. you are so much fun!

  2. I love to read and look at material too. We have the BEST fabric store here called Brooks. It is pricey but always has such cute stuff. BTY did you know IKEA has really cute fabric too.

  3. I love all your dirty little secrets. ESPECIALLY that you love to dance when no one is watching [or if they are] -- me too. I would love it if you broke a bone dancing; I mean, I would feel bad because it would hurt but really seriously that would be so dang funny. I love you Tor!
