
23 October 2007

Ode To Costumes

"Oompa Loompa"

"Barbara & Veronica"

Super "D"

"Women in Black"

"Minnie Mouse"

"Raggedy Ann"
**Happy Halloween!! I have more so maybe I'll post some more later...


  1. ahhh!!! it took me a minute to figure out that these are all you! HILARIOIUS!

    I LOVE Barbara and Veronica!!!

  2. So fun! I think you guys should be Raggedy Ann and Andy this year.

  3. Oh your blog is soo cute. I didn't know that you were on here. I will add you to my list of people's blogs i look at. Hope life is treating you well.

  4. Sweet. Now I have my next five Halloweens planned out. I think I'll be an oompa loompa this year.

  5. **Barbara and Veronica were our version of Thelmas and Louise...funny huh? I went to my boyfriends work dressed like that... he was mortified...ha ha~!

    **That would be a cute costume idea!!

    **Ha Ha I was going to rate the costumes but seriously how do you decide which is the best?

  6. TJ
    You have to much time on your hands.

  7. That's odd, I never knew I had a "Sexy Older Brother"... weird how that happens...

  8. Oh my gosh, how cute are you! I totally should have dressed Norah up as an Oompa Loompa for Halloween. Maybe next year...
    In regard to other posts,
    1)I haven't watched Chuck, but may check it out at some point.
    2) Good job on being honest with the top five concerts. Don't make excuses for any of them. I may just go ahead and include NKOTB or the Charlie Daniels Band in my top 10!
    3)My pictures ALWAYS turn out blurry too.

  9. Does Kami know you have posted Barbara & Veronica? I remember those days!
