
23 September 2007

USU Homecoming Extravaganza

Saturday was Homecoming at USU, and it started off with a laugh at the parade, courtesy of the A-Team.

Ashley is somewhere in there, I don't really know if I ever found her. She was well disguised! I should also mention they got first prize for this in the parade, well deserved!! They were by far the best float!

Here's a picture from the football game. However, this is decieving because it rained MOST of the time.

Here's a picture of us near the end of the game, sick huh? How come Don always looks so photogenic?


  1. This is EXACTLY what Hailey said ***no joke!*** "I DON'T LIKE DONNIE. I LIKE TORI!!!!" hahaha

    LOVe the video. LOVE grandpa scott yelling "ASH-LEIGH!" the whole thing was/is hilarious.

    you look beautiful in the picture; you ALWAYS look PERFECT ;)

  2. I'm sad I skipped out on the parade. A-Team is AWESOME!

    I am very glad I skipped the game though...I went shopping for the puppies instead...much warmer and much more fun.

  3. I love your new look on the blog! I can relate with poor Ashly about my dad yelling! You guys are real fans to have gone to that game.

  4. Thanks for the homecoming update. It's just like being there...except without having to actually watch the poor football team in action.

  5. The parade was good, I almost didn't go to the game because it was raining and I am definetly a FAIR WEATHER fan.

    Ha ha you are all lucky you didn't have to watch the poor team play, I am mostly glad I don't understand football enough to get upset over the outcome though.
